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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

International Conference on Interconnectedness of Central and South Asia: preconditions, prospects, geostrategic significance

(based upon the results of the Tashkent Conference "Central and South Asia: Regional Connectivity. Challenges and Opportunities" July 15-16, 2021)


Date and venue: August 18, 2021, UWED

Event type: Hybrid - online and offline

Areas: International economics, international relations

Working languages: Uzbek, Russian, English


Conference significance:

The preconditions for a completely new development paradigm of Central and South Asia were created during the Tashkent Conference, held in July 2021.

In fact, as an unprecedented platform for a broad multilateral dialogue, the forum has created important conditions for strengthening trust between the countries of a huge macro-region that plays an ever-increasing role in global processes. The conference made it possible to comprehend the emerging trends in regional development, identify the main prospects for interaction and outline the most important areas of cooperation in achieving interconnectedness between Central and South Asia. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev in his speech at the conference emphasized: “The revival of mutual ties between Central and South Asia, where about two billion people reside today is becoming an even more demanded and objective process”.

The achievement of this goal will lead to the emergence of a new powerful synergy of comprehensive interregional ties, multiply combined regional potential for sustainable development, socio-economic progress and strengthened security.

The forum organized jointly by the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy aims to create an analytical platform for parliamentarians, representatives of foreign policy departments, prominent experts and specialists from all countries of both regions, as well as outside great powers. The main goals are a comprehensive discussion of the main results of the Tashkent Conference, development trends in the macro region, theoretical and practical issues of strengthening trust and models of international cooperation in trade, investment, transport, energy, innovation, “green” technologies, expanding interaction in tourism, education, health care, science and culture.

The recommendations on the practical implementation of the conclusions and provisions expressed during the main session and plenary sessions of the Tashkent Conference will be developed. A special issue of the UWED Scientific Journal “Xalqaro Munosabatlar - International Relations” ( ISSN 2010-6203) will be also published.


Aims and objectives of the conference:

Ø  To deliver the essence and significance of the Tashkent Conference, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev speech’s provisions and conclusions to the wide foreign and domestic expert-scientific community;

Ø To exchange views on the theory and practice of ensuring interaction between the Central and South Asia macro-region, as well as on the geostrategic significance of restoring close cooperation between the two regions;

Ø To identify perspective areas of scientific research to carry out a deep analysis of the region's problems in such areas as:

- Strengthening trust and deepening bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the macro region;

- Creating a network of alternative transport corridors, system of logistics centers, expanding trade and investment collaborations;

- Sustainable development, ensuring stability and security, countering transnational threats.

Ø To strengthen the legal framework for transregional cooperation and harmonization of national legislation.


Conference panels:

Ø A new model of transregional connectivity and modernization of transport and logistics infrastructure in Central and South Asia for sustainable development.

Ø Expansion of trade, economic and investment cooperation between the countries of Central and South Asia as the main driver of a long-term regional development.

Ø Digital transformation - new realm, opportunities and prospects for regional cooperation.

Ø Security imperatives in Central and South Asia region: food, energy and water.
