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Consular Issues

Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

Cultural and Humanitarian Cooperation

The cooperation in cultural and humanitarian spheres is successfully developing. A Japanese archeologist K.Kato made a significant contribution to the discovery of the monuments of the early Buddhism era in the Southern regions of Uzbekistan. Along with him, for the great contribution to the strengthening of partnership, former first Vice-president of the Banking and Financial Academy of Uzbekistan T.Kitamura and the President of the Waseda University T.Okushima were awarded the «Do‘stlik» (“Friendship”) orders.

Since 2000 in the collaboration with the office of the Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE) in Tashkent above 300 people have studied in Japan on the project Human Resource Development Scholarship.

Over 2000 specialists of Uzbekistan have been trained in Japan through JICA. The Uzbekistan-Japan Center, which was attended by more than 700 thousand people, has been contributing to human resource developing process.

In 1999 «Uzbekistan-Japan» friendship society was established. Its main partners are «Japan-Uzbekistan» Friendship Society and «Fukushima-Uzbekistan» Cultural and Economic Exchange Association.

In 2002 the Uzbek-Japanese Scientific and Creative Center «Caravansary of Cultures of Ikuo Hirayama» was founded in Tashkent.

On august 2-5, 2016 the visit to Uzbekistan of the delegation of Japanese culture and arts representatives headed by the spouse of the Prime Minister of Japan Akie Abe was organized. Within the framework of this event concert of the Japanese group “Dram TAO” was held in the State academic Bolshoi theatre named after Alisher Navoi.