

Over 2,579 Uzbeks evacuated from Ukraine through Poland

Since the beginning of the evacuation of our citizens from Ukraine through the territory of Poland to Uzbekistan, 10 planes have already taken off, which took out 2579 people.

At 15:00 local time (19:00 in Tashkent) on 3 March, about 500 citizens of Uzbekistan wishing to fly to their homeland are at the collection point of the Karchova checkpoint.

Three additional flights are expected from Katowice: at 14:30 and at 16:00 March 4, and also at 03:00 5th of March.

Employees of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Poland are at the Karchova checkpoint (accumulation points) and at the airport of Katowice for six days around the clock.

Uzbekistan, among the few countries in the world, promptly set up work on the removal of its citizens from the special zone. All repatriation flights are carried out free of charge.

At the request of the Embassy of Uzbekistan, the city hall organized an orderly passage to the airport building and registration of passengers. The order is controlled by the police and local volunteers. Special corridors have been created for women with children and the elderly. All citizens are served on the basis of pre-prepared lists.

At the request of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Poland, hot meals were organized at the airport only for Uzbeks. Near the airport, three cars are constantly on duty to provide emergency medical care. The airport management has allocated special facilities for the rest of the mothers with children.

For the entire period of evacuation, citizens of Uzbekistan, for various reasons, who do not have the necessary documents with them, were issued more than 240 return certificates.
