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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

Uzbekistan to introduce rating system to scientific organizations

For the first time, Uzbekistan is planning to introduce the scientific organizations rating system. This is followed from the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan “On measures to introduce the scientific organizations rating” dated May 11, 2020. The document, in turn, will execute Presidential decree “On measures to further strengthen the infrastructure of scientific-research entities and development of innovative activities” dated April 1, 2017.

Uzbekistan’s science sector comprises 104 academic and sectorial entities, including 65 scientific-research institutions, 31 scientific-research centers (including 14 specialized scientific-practical centers) and 8 other entities. Besides, additional 118 higher educational institutions that feature their branches, conduct research works.

Most of the existing scientific work takes place in Uzbekistan’s capital. Particularly, out of 104 scientific organizations, 80,7% operate in Tashkent and 19,3% in the regions.

Currently, 37,185 researches, including professors and teachers of higher educational institutions conduct research. Out of that number 16,863, or 45,3% are in Tashkent.

A number of countries with higher indicators of scientific-research activities have developed and use rating system to assess the effectives of their institutions. Ratings like Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), “Quacquarelli Symonds” and “Times Higher Education” (THE) are recognized worldwide.

The main purpose of establishing rating system is to create healthy competitive environment among research institutions, stimulate the level and quality of their scientific and innovative activities, to effectively use potential of researchers and create the basis for applying it [research] in practice.

Ministry of Innovative Development will coordinate tasks related to the development of rating.

The ministry will also develop the data base. It will comprise description of level of scientific research and innovative activities per organization, the quality of research, results of activities; compile a republican rating of scientific organizations based on their assessment in accordance with rating indicators on an annual basis.

The work will be carried out in close collaboration with world leading rating agencies as the Ministry aims to include local research institutions to acclaimed ratings.

The results will be published on the official website of the Ministry of Innovative Development.

It is expected that the introduction of rating system will contribute to the preparation of knowledge-intensive products, the wide dissemination of the quality of research and innovative work of scientific organizations, the expansion of international cooperation in this area, as well as inclusion of local scientific organizations to the number of leading world research centers.

Criteria will allow to compile a general rating of activities carried out by research institutions in humanities, technical and natural sciences.

Rating results will serve as the basis for creating effective mechanisms for managing science and scientific activity, ensuring the effectiveness of scientific research and the rational use of financial resources.
