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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

Renaissance – striving for harmony, well-being, prosperity

These days, all the people of Uzbekistan and their friends abroad celebrate a significant date – the 32nd anniversary of the country’s independence. Significant in every sense, because these years — both fertile and difficult — count the period of fundamentally renewed life for the country and its multinational people.

It is common for a person to reflect on their life when reaching significant milestones, as well as on the history of their homeland which has been witness to numerous events and personalities since ancient times. At first glance, 32 years of independence may seem like a relatively short period in the grand scheme of history. However, when considering the multitude of dynamic processes occurring globally and within our country, it becomes clear that it is worth examining the diversity of these events and future plans, especially on the occasion of a national holiday.

This year witnessed intensive reforms both in the country and in the lives of its citizens. It is important to reflect deeply on the events that have taken place, both consciously and subconsciously.

And before we delve into the multifaceted and diverse essence of all tangible steps to improve life, we will once again formulate the main thing that follows from all the serious steps that have already been accomplished and the prerequisites for new steps. And, probably, the main thing in the sense of these multilevel changes lies in the position formulated in the updated Constitution of the country. All the foundations of the legal provisions clearly established in it state that our state serves the goals and harmony of the life of every inhabitant of the fertile Uzbek land. Let us recall that the very democratic principle of public discussion of each provision of the updated Constitution, amendments and clarifications to it is initially aimed at improving the living and working conditions of every citizen of our country.

Having the opportunity to personally attend several meetings of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev with various social groups of the people of Uzbekistan, I have repeatedly formulated an important property noticed at these meetings and in the entire policy of the head of our state — the amazing ability of our President to get ahead of events. And not to respond with new moves to emerging questions and problems, but, anticipating them, to make dynamic proactive decisions. As a creative figure of the opera house, I note that this principle is in many ways similar to the principle of the psychological impact of a truly talented conductor on singing soloists, chorus and orchestra, assuming the so-called “auftact”. That is, the anticipation of the psychological impulse of the soul and the subtlety of the conducting technique of everything that should happen in music when performing a further fragment, a musical phrase, and even a single note. The rare possibility of anticipating changes in tempo, sound power, and rhythm changes by an experienced maestro is predicted by the subtlest impact on a large cluster of performing and human personalities carrying completely different creative functions, but working in a single ensemble. This is the similarity of the principle that allows us to see the emerging stage of real life in the complex of all its objective and subjective difficulties, and at the same time a real action aimed at overcoming problems even in their anticipation and rudiment, and are the main and desired. And in fact, they are able to prevent most of the hindrances and difficulties, and objective and subjective inaccuracies of actions. All these defining properties of strategy and tactics, in fact, allow the leader of our country to quickly, dynamically and with all objective firmness to solve many and many things that need to be implemented in the new ways of development of our country. Is it simple? Definitely not! Any way of forming a country is never presented in the form of a rolled-up highway, and all sorts of new routes of life are often laid in overcoming many obstacles. And it is absolutely clear that the most correct attitudes and predestinations should be implemented creatively and with the fullness of spiritual dedication to the labors and talents of literally every resident of Uzbekistan.

It is worth fully considering the meaning and significance of significant words that characterize the originality and essence of the current process of reforms of society.

We all hear the ringing appeal of the eloquent phrase that a new Renaissance should be embodied and realized in our country. Let’s think about the historical meaning of this term, which has become the name of an amazing period of revival of the highest human principles in the history of many states.  After all, “Renaissance” in translation means exactly “Rebirth” in a special sense of this concept.

During that great period, many countries turned to the knowledge of the true beauty of the world and Man in it, when great poets, masters of words, artists, architects and sculptors recreated the multifaceted image of harmony and beauty of human nature in a harmonious world. And in the lives of people full of contradictory and difficult phenomena, there was a fundamental turn to a new development. The Renaissance gave the world not only great architectural monuments, outstanding works of painting and sculpture, innovative philosophical teachings and true masterpieces of literature. She also granted the greatest scientific discoveries. The outstanding genius of Leonardo da Vinci gave the world not only artistic masterpieces, but also the greatest discoveries, far ahead of the level of scientific and philosophical achievements of the era. Among his great revelations is the principle of the current helicopter, and even, as it turns out from many of his newly found archival documents, the idea of an aircraft based on the rocket principle! And in the space of the East, the great Mirzo Ulugbek made astronomical discoveries that made his name among the world’s largest scientists. Consequently, a true Renaissance presupposes a powerful educational base that develops free talented creativity both in the field of science and in the humanitarian field of many arts of various genres.

That is why the main problem of the modern society of our country is the full-fledged improvement of the education system in various fields. It is education in its renewal and development that the head of our state puts forward among the most important tasks. And it’s not just about the necessary improvement of schools, lyceums and universities. The primordial traditions of our land and people presuppose the family as the main initial cell of education and the introduction into the consciousness of the younger generation of the concepts of morality, spiritual purity, reverence for the older generation and the ability to perceive its experience and knowledge in many spheres and areas. And then it is exactly what our President and many prominent public figures of various professions are insistently and constantly talking about — it is necessary to make the personality of a teacher, mentor one of the most revered, important and necessary. Of course, the formation of this fundamental personality of a Mentor with a capital letter also needs to be improved. Let’s recall the iconic phrase from the wonderful film about teachers and students “Let’s live until Monday”: “In order to give, you need to have something that you can give!”. In other words, our future teachers and educators should not only master the necessary complex of knowledge, but also cultivate their spirit so that both its human and moral properties are on top and set an example for their wards. And one of the necessary tasks of modern pedagogy is to teach their students to think, to comprehend every phenomenon, event, work of art and to form a stable truly humane position. From the earliest years, from family origins, it is necessary to cultivate in the souls of children true kindness, understanding of the problems of others and genuine compassion with the ability to help and support at the right time. And, of course, in mastering the basics of any profession, it is necessary to aim the younger generation at a meaningful and full comprehension of both the amount of knowledge and the dynamics of decision-making.

A computer is a wonderful technical tool that helps in solving many both difficult and fairly simple tasks. But only those who are able and willing to accept from talented mentors all the versatility of both experience and skills can learn to think in true volume and completeness. It is very gratifying that the desire to read the “living” books of the remarkable heritage of the great masters of the East, outstanding world masters of words and thought, which always sounds in many government resolutions, is very encouraging. It is absolutely necessary to delve into the foundations of the culture of the native country, into the pristine beauty of its great monuments, into the essence of the creations of masters of world art and culture. And only then can the comprehensive essence of the concept of “Renaissance” be embodied and realized in subsequent generations.

Our land and its inexhaustible traditions preserve the highest concept of the family as the basic unit of society. A life-giving mother and a caring and courageous father in the origins of the foundations of Uzbekistan are unshakable and indestructible. And these foundations must be kept as the apple of the eye, because they and only they give full development of human personalities and society. Love, care, subtle mutual understanding and an indispensable aspiration to support our elderly neighbors in overcoming their problems are native to our land.

The principles set out in the updated Constitution presuppose equal rights for all citizens of our country, regardless of their origin and confessional religious aspirations. And this is sacredly laid down in the traditions of the fertile land of Uzbekistan and our people. The harmony and true community of all the peoples living in our country is one of the outstanding achievements of the wise policy of the country’s top leadership.

This multicolored layer of diverse cultures, traditions, rituals, song and dance lives its dynamic life, numerous national cultural centers delight with the beauty and fascinating charm of their traditions at many festivals and festivals of folk art. I strive to bring a special meaning to the coverage of this extremely important layer, because for almost all the decades of our country’s independence, I have been the organizer, director or jury member of many of these holidays, personifying the true richness of the wreath of cultures of Uzbekistan, incomparable in this with many other countries.

Is it worth enumerating all the new things that have been introduced into the life of the country by the updated Constitution and numerous other decisions, resolutions, provisions? There is a radical improvement of the healthcare system, and increased attention to the development and improvement of recreation areas and resorts. Reasonable and systematic strengthening and development of many types of entrepreneurship and expansion of the freedoms of their active activity. The establishment of a legislative ban on all illegal involvement of citizens in the performance of labor functions that are not related to their direct profession and occupation. And, of course, — improving the material well-being of every resident of Uzbekistan.

The traditional friendly coexistence of the main traditional religious confessions on our land is also extremely important. In full mutual respect for the customs, canons and traditional religious rites of representatives of a particular religion, representatives of other faiths and religions have been living graciously on our land for a long time. Temples and prayer architectural objects of all active confessions are being built.

As an active creative figure of the opera theater, the decree of the President of our country on the development of opera and ballet art seems especially important to me. It is worth noting that during the years of independence, the touring life of our artists has significantly enriched. There is an intensive exchange of creative forces, international festivals and competitions are regularly held, our artists go on tour to countries near and far abroad, and the best creative forces of foreign countries come to Uzbekistan with performances and concerts. The recent tour of the ensemble of our theater “Tumor” in China and its successful performance there, expected in September, “Orep Aig” with the participation of major opera masters and our leading soloists, the performance “Troubadour” with their participation and complicity of our leading master, People’s Artist of Uzbekistan Ramiz Usmanov (who is also the director of the theater) — more one eloquent testimony to this. As well as the grandiose international competition “COMPETIZIONE DELLA’ OPERA” announced for the first time in history on the basis of the Alisher Navoi State Academic Bolshoi Theater, in which many singers from different countries are expected to participate. Their performances will be judged by an international jury. The practice of inviting directors from other countries to productions is already beginning to be actively implemented — in October, the audience is waiting for the premiere of the opera by J. Verdi’s “Masquerade Ball” staged by the most famous Russian director Alexander Titel, and a little later a new stage version of “Eugene Onegin” will be realized. Tchaikovsky staged by the Belarusian director Olga Volkova. We are also pleased with the counter creative missions — in July, under my leadership, the creative trip of the leading soloists of our theater to the International Festival “Tsar Days” in Yekaterinburg was successfully carried out for the seventh time. And at the end of August, another group of opera soloists was invited to participate in the opening of the concert season of the Samara Philharmonic. The ballet of the Alisher Navoi Ballet successfully tours with the original choreographic project “Lazgi” in many countries.

The theater has found a way to improve the system of vocal and acting training of young opera soloists. It is known that often, having mastered the basics of vocals to one degree or another, they pass by the fundamental foundations of acting training. In this regard, a youth creative workshop has been opened at the theater, where young trainee soloists have the opportunity to fully prepare in the synthesis of the principles of acting and vocal skills, mastering plastics, dance, secular manners, and the history of the theater. It seems that both this and intensive work with young people to introduce them into the performances of the theater’s repertoire will also bring their benefits. However, there are still many tasks that require gradual solution in the name of fruitful results.

Yes, there are many problems to be solved. And one of the most important is the change of consciousness of almost every inhabitant of our country. Let’s recall the concept of “service to the Fatherland”, which constantly lived in the minds of many previous generations. It is important to imagine the indisputable fact that the implementation of all the tasks, attitudes and proposals is possible only when each of us understands that without the aspirations and labors of each, all these reforms will not be able to be fully implemented. We realize that too often there are some voices, sadly repeating that “the state has not given us something.” And we will send them a direct counter question: “What have you personally done for the benefit of the state and the people?”. I am afraid that most of the “speakers” of this kind will fall silent in impotence.

And it is vital to carry out updates. And for our country as a whole, and for each of its citizens, our fellow — from small to large. We repeat that it is much more difficult to implement than to talk about the abundance of problems and the need to solve them. But it is on the eve of the great national holiday that I especially want to believe that with the aspiration of souls, talents and labors of everyone and everyone, we will be able to accomplish improvement, renewal, and then the true revival of our Uzbekistan in stages. Both our beloved country and its multinational people will be able to appear in the whole light of wonderful positive changes, improvements and improvements aimed at making us all live even better, more beautiful and more creative. And so that our country, which is becoming more and more part of the world community, while preserving its identity, becomes fertile and highly stable both for us and for future generations, who are destined to continue to do its new deeds, history and well-being.

Andrey Slonim,

Director of the Alisher Navoi GABTA

Honored Artist of Uzbekistan

