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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

President awards youth

A group of active and progressive youth, who with their success in their profession and social life, the creative and intellectual potential is an example for their peers, makes a worthy contribution to the prosperity of the country and increasing its international prestige, was awarded orders and medals by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 29.

The Head of the state solemnly presented the awards at the festive event.

The awardees thanked the President for the high trust and attention, opportunities created for the youth, and noted that they will actively continue their activities, make every effort to achieve even better results and justify the confidence of the state.

“Educated youth are the foundation of the future. With today’s efforts, you are laying the foundation for the future. I am proud of you”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

The Head of the state talked with young people gathered at the forum. He supported the opinions and initiatives expressed by youth, gave appropriate instructions to responsible persons.

“I am glad to see that the attention we pay to young people is yielding results. There is not a single sphere in which young people do not achieve success. If we open the way for young people and support them, we will achieve even greater results. The power that I most trust, the greatest wealth of our country is the youth”, the President said.

The event ended with a large concert program.




















