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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan


It should be noted that today in Uzbekistan the foundation is being laid for a new revival - the Third Renaissance. In this sense, a number of practical measures are being taken in Uzbekistan today as a result of the reforms being carried out in all spheres.

Especially mahalla activists are pleased that in recent years, under the leadership of the President, serious attention has been paid to reforming the mahalla system, turning it into a people's structure in which justice and truth are decided.

The creation of the Ministry for the Support of Mahalla and Family on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 18, 2020 "On measures to improve the social and spiritual environment in society, further support of the institution of the mahalla and bring the system of work with family and women to a new level" opened a new historical, literally a new turning point in the activities of makhallas to improve the prospects of the system.

An integrated and effective vertical system for solving problems on the ground has been created through the ministry. These initiatives are based on only one goal - to satisfy the people living in this country with life, the state, and to ensure happiness for our people.

In particular, a number of measures have been taken to ensure social protection of the population, social protection of citizens in difficult situations. As an important step in this direction and a new method of work, on the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the “Iron Book” system was created in the regions, which makes it possible to track and help families in need of social protection.

According to this list, in 2020, 417 billion soums were allocated to low-income families, as well as about 426 billion soums in September this year to provide the children of such families and children with disabilities with school uniforms, school supplies, winter clothes and hats.

The number of people receiving social benefits has increased almost 1.5 times. By the end of 2020, their number increaseв from the  774 thousand to 1.2 million, for which 12.5 trillion soums were allocated from the state budget.

During the pandemic, from April 2 to May 20, 2020, 413,072 low-income families received food products worth 49 billion 910 million soums through the Sponsorship and Coordination Centers established under the regional branches of the Ministry, and the Coordination and Volunteer Sponsorship Centers that operated from July 13 to On August 14, food products worth 35 billion 24 million soums were provided to 317,282 low-income families and medicines worth 427.3 million soums to 3,965 families.

By the decision of the district (city) Councils of People's Deputies, 479,400 families were provided with material assistance at the expense of the “Sakhovat va Kumak” Foundation.

In order to protect public health during the 2020 pandemic, to provide the necessary medical care to patients with coronavirus, "Recommendations for organizing quarantine at home" were developed and implemented. As a result, the disease was prevented from spreading. During this period, from quarantined households 84,435  were visited, of which 6,897 were provided with food, 3,051 with medicines and 4,105 with hygienic items.

  In May 2020, as a result of the natural man-made situation at the Sardoba reservoir in the Syrdarya region, great material and moral assistance was provided to the victims. The state, at the most important stage of the event, was able to demonstrate its humanitarian power, give its citizens the necessary motivation to hope for the future, to take a bold step into the future. The government has shown its social concern in the harmony of the qualities of nobility, hospitality and integrity of our people.

The head of state arrived at the scene the same day and instilled in the people strong confidence.

The Sardoba incident showed that our people are in harmony with the qualities of nobility, hospitality and integrity. A large amount of practical work has been done to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. 1,830 houses in need of repair were repaired and handed over to the population by officials of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent. 4543 flood victims were issued bank cards for 40 million soums, 252 people - bank cards for 20 million soums, and money was transferred. In addition, 15,574 household appliances (refrigerators, televisions, electric stoves, etc.) were distributed to families.

In a short period of time, 86 modern multi-storey houses with 2,640 apartments were built for the local population in Sardoba, Mirzaabad and Akaltin districts of Syrdarya. These are 37 houses with 1,480 apartments in Sardoba district, 9 houses with 360 apartments and 40 houses with 800 apartments in Mirzaabad district. These houses were distributed to flood-affected families in the prescribed manner.

All children in the country are vaccinated against various diseases free of charge through regional medical clinics, and thus their healthy development is constantly monitored.

In particular, the fact that children from families in need of social protection and citizens with disabilities are admitted to higher education institutions on the basis of certain privileges is also recognized as a major social event among the foreign community.

In the 2020 academic year, an additional 940 state grants were allocated for such girls on the basis of this system for full-time departments of higher education institutions.

The type and amount of social assistance provided to women by the state is also increasing over time. This year, the Ministry for support of Mahalla and Family has trained 12,186 women in sewing, hairdressing, cooking, psychology, computer literacy and entrepreneurial skills at Women's Entrepreneurship Centers. 13,922 women were trained in vocational training centers. 17,448 women were involved in handicrafts and 12,101 in home-based work. 4,873 women were attached to experienced craftsmen in the mahallas (gold-broiderery, embroidery, carpet weaving, jewelry, weaving).

 Within the framework of the programs "Every family is an entrepreneur", "Development of handicrafts", "Youth is our future", 70,145 women were employed and 30,298 women were involved in entrepreneurship. More than 14,000 women with difficult social conditions were involved in permanent employment, 179.9 thousand in paid public works, and 4.4 thousand in entrepreneurship.

In addition, 11,000 women received assistance in obtaining bank loans worth more than 1 trillion soums. The Women and Family Support Fund has allocated a total of 33 billion 521 million soums for small business projects for 1,558 women.

About 433,000 women are included in the "Women's Book", which was established as a new system of social support for women in the country, the problems of about 81,000 women were resolved in the prescribed manner.

It should be noted that the State Trust Fund for the Support of Women, reorganized by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further improve the system of support for women, ensure their active participation in the life of society," annually transfers 100 billion soums to JSC "People's Bank" at a rate of 4% below the base rate of the Central Bank in 2021, and from 2022 at the base rate of the Central Bank to support low-income women in the country, and this will play an important role in directing them to the profession. At the same time, according to this decision, the allocation of 30 billion soums to the fund for the treatment of women in need of treatment through special operations and included in the "Women's Book", "Youth Book" and "Iron Book" is undoubtedly a practical confirmation of the importance of interests and human dignity in our country.

In addition, it is noteworthy that this year the Women's Support Fund, included in the "Women's Book", will allocate 80 billion soums for one-time financial assistance to women who have lost their breadwinner, disabled people and need care, as well as to pay compensation for rent housing for women living in non-residential areas will be sent 11 billion soums.

In particular, from the 2021-2022 academic year, a procedure has been introduced for the education of low-income girls who have lost their parents or one of them, single women without a breadwinner at the expense of the local budget and state higher educational institutions, which will further increase the desire of Uzbek girls to get an education and a profession, will serve expanding the ranks of educated women in our society.

Also, at the initiative of the President, a number of practical measures are being taken to provide social security for the elderly people in our country.

The Ministry alone provided 121 people with wheelchairs, 126 with hearing aids, 206 with crutches, 43 with glasses and 201 with other rehabilitation aids. 392 young people were awarded the "Labor Veteran" badge.

In a word, these noble deeds are a practical confirmation of the fact that in our country the comprehensive support of all segments of the population, especially needy families, their targeted social protection has become an important issue, the state cares for the interests of every citizen.

After all, in a country where human dignity is respected, prosperity, peace and, most importantly, peace will prevail.
