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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

Restoration works in Syrdarya region will be completed until September 1

As stated earlier, on May 1, 2020, Sardoba dam wall in Syrdarya region saw the partial collapse. As a result of emergency situation, 2,570 private houses and 76 apartment buildings in Sardoba, Mirzaabad and Akaltyn districts were destroyed; 1,781 private houses and 52 apartment buildings were partially flooded. 70 social, production and service facilities, around 20 thousand hectares of agricultural land, 828 kilometers of roads, networks of electricity, gas and water supply, communication were also partially destroyed.

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited affected areas four times during which he met with local people and oversaw restoration works.

Uzbek Leader’s order foresees not only restoration works, but also improvement of local communities’ living conditions. New housing, social facilities and new jobs are to be created.

Particularly, 3 residential districts comprising 5 store builds and 2,640 apartments will be built for people in Mirzaabad, Sardobinsky and Akaltynsky districts whose houses have become completely unsuitable for living. Government will oversee restoration and construction works for people free of charge. Along with this, the land under the destroyed houses will remain at the disposal of their owners.

305 construction companies’ teams and around 12 thousand workers arrived to Syrdarya from all across Uzbekistan to help execute restoration of survived facilities.

 During his latest visit to Syrdarya region, on May 15, President of Uzbekistan laid the first stone of the new Dustlik makhalla in Sardoba district. 37 multi-storey buildings comprising 1,480 apartments will be build in this makhalla.

By September 1, people will be able to relocate to new apartments and their mended homes.


“Dunyo” IA
