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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

News from Uzbekistan

An important direction of Uzbekistan’s foreign policy is the protection of the rights and interests of citizens regardless of their location

The foreign policy activities of Uzbekistan concentrate on strengthening state sovereignty and independence, expanding the influence of the republic in the international community with the aim of integrating into the ranks of advanced democratic states. The basis of the policy is the effective implementation of the national development strategy. Priorities include ensuring regional peace and stability, developing balanced and mutually beneficial relationships with key states and international organizations, and promoting initiatives that promote economic modernization.

Human dignity and the benefits of the people in New Uzbekistan – high values

It is not an exaggeration to say that in the historical conditions where humanity is going through a difficult period, where contradictions and conflicts are intensifying and seriously undermining stability, in the multi-ethnic New Uzbekistan, human dignity and the interests of the people are recognized as the highest values, and in this regard, it is becoming an example and model for many countries of the world.

Gender equality as one of the principles of building a New Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is a country of irreversible, rapid reforms. One of the priorities of the development strategy of New Uzbekistan is the policy of achieving gender equality in the country.

How Uzbekistan is responding to the growing global demand for critical minerals

The Strategy “Uzbekistan - 2030” outlines geological exploration work aimed at increasing hydrocarbon reserves, modernizing and digitalizing the industry on 60 thousand square meters, and attracting foreign investors to them.

Uzbekistan is promoting optimal transport routes to world markets

The President of Uzbekistan outlined the tasks of establishing constructive and mutually beneficial cooperation with the states of Central Asia in all directions, including in the field of transport.

New Uzbekistan strategy – a new way of supporting the young generation

18.9 million of the population of Uzbekistan or 54 percent are young people and children under 30 years of age. 9.5 million young people are male and 9.4 million are female.

Ensuring the true independence of the courts of Uzbekistan is a priority task of the ongoing reforms

As the most important task of judicial reform being implemented in the Republic of Uzbekistan, important work is being carried out to ensure constitutional human rights and freedoms, strengthening the authority of the judiciary, which is considered an important guarantee of effective protection of human rights and to ensure the true independence of the courts.

Environmental protection in Uzbekistan is an integral part of the sustainable development strategy and the country’s contribution to solving global problems

Uzbekistan, located in the heart of Central Asia, faces unique environmental challenges that require an integrated approach and strategic planning. 

Uzbekistan: A Course for Continuing Intensive Reforms in Youth Policy

Uzbekistan is a country of youth. According to statistical data, about 60% of Uzbekistan's population is under the age of 30. Thus, over 18 million residents of Uzbekistan are young people, and by 2040 this number could reach 25 million. This creates unique opportunities and specific challenges for the state in terms of providing education, employment, and social integration for the youth. On February 21 of this year, a Presidential Decree approved the State Program for the implementation of the "Uzbekistan - 2030" Strategy in the Year of Support for Youth and Business. It outlines a number of tasks aimed at addressing the problems faced by young people and realizing their potential.

Gender policy in Uzbekistan – an important criterion for ensuring human rights

The main feature of a democratic society is the protection of human rights and the provision of equal opportunities for all in public life and administration. Gender equality is an essential component of this, as it ensures equal protection of rights and freedoms for individuals.