


Reforms in Uzbekistan are based on the principle that “The stronger public control, the more humane, free, and fair the state is”

The most important sign of civil society is manifested in the fact that citizens exercise complete control over the activities of state structures. 

Uzbekistan plans to increase exports of electrical products to Europe, countries of South Asia and the Middle East

There are about a thousand manufacturing enterprises in the electrical engineering industry of Uzbekistan, most of them small, which produce more than two thousand items. At the same time, almost all enterprises in the industry are private. The total number of people employed in the industry is more than 35 thousand people.

The principle of “New Uzbekistan – a social state” implies comprehensive support for the population

Social policy in our country contains a wide range of issues on combating poverty, creating jobs, supporting socially vulnerable groups of the population. 



東京において「日本・ウズベキスタン間シンクタンク協議 -新たな環境に於ける戦略的パートナーシップ-」がウズベキスタンと日本の外務省の協力のもと、ウズベキスタンの国際関係情報分析センターと日本国際問題研究所の主催で開催されました

2024年7月11日、東京において「日本・ウズベキスタン間シンクタンク協議 -新たな環境に於ける戦略的パートナーシップ-」がウズベキスタンと日本の外務省の協力のもと、ウズベキスタンの国際関係情報分析センターと日本国際問題研究所の主催で開催されました。

Technological re-equipment of Uzbekistan: what is its role in countering environmental challenges in Central Asia

​Climate change on a global scale is inevitable and undeniable. Unfortunately, this process in Central Asia has progressed over the years. The environmental and climate situation in the region continues to be a difficult challenge for the Central Asian states, which is due to the combined influence of both global and regional climate processes. At the same time, the priority source of such changes is warming caused by an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere.