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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

Uzbekistan-Turkey: Commitment to Strengthening and Expanding the Friendship of Fraternal Peoples

Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev will officially visit Turkey on June 6th.

This year marks the 32nd anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. In this context, it is important to note that the Republic of Turkey was the first country in the world to recognize the independence of our country and the first to open its embassy in Tashkent.

Furthermore, Turkey is one of the countries with which Uzbekistan's political dialogue stands out for its special dynamics, as well as a high level of mutual trust and fraternal understanding. This spirit serves as a strong foundation for further development and strengthening of the comprehensive strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and Turkey.

Over the past seven years, there have been 7 reciprocal high-level visits, as well as a series of meetings between the heads of states on the sidelines of international events. These meetings indicate that the leaders of the two countries are firmly committed to personally promoting comprehensive mutually beneficial relations and enriching the cooperation agenda with new breakthrough directions. They also provide a powerful impetus to such areas of bilateral interaction as creating favorable conditions for business circles of both countries, improving the investment climate, implementing joint cooperation projects, and cultural-humanitarian exchanges.

The immense potential for cooperation between the countries is being realized not only in a bilateral format but also within the framework of multilateral global and regional platforms. Among them, particular emphasis can be placed on the UN, the Organization of Turkic States, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Organization for Economic Cooperation, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and others.

Fruitful connections have been established between the legislative bodies of the two countries. Friendship groups and specialized committees of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan and the Grand National Assembly of Turkey actively participate in shaping the agenda of Uzbek-Turkish cooperation and ensuring the implementation of agreements reached at the highest level.

Overall, inter-parliamentary dialogue in recent years has been particularly rich. In particular, Turkish parliamentarians actively participated in observing the Constitutional referendum held in Uzbekistan on April 30, 2023, and the presidential elections on July 9 of the same year. In turn, observers from Uzbekistan participated in the presidential and parliamentary elections held in Turkey on May 14, 2023. There have been several reciprocal visits of parliamentary delegations, their meetings on multilateral platforms, as well as telephone negotiations between the heads of legislative bodies.

For example, on May 22 of this year, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received a delegation from the Grand National Assembly of Turkey led by its speaker Numan Kurtulmuş. Special attention at this meeting was paid to advancing investment programs, stimulating tourism, business, and educational exchanges. Prospects for parliamentary cooperation within international structures, particularly the Organization of Turkic States, were also discussed.

Active diplomatic contacts also play an important role in strengthening the political dialogue between Uzbekistan and Turkey. This is evidenced by the constantly expanding legal framework, which currently consists of nearly 140 bilateral agreements and protocols of intergovernmental, interdepartmental, and other nature.

Political consultations between the foreign policy departments of the two countries are held on a regular basis. The Joint Working Group for Comprehensive Strategic Planning operates at the level of foreign ministers, the 3rd session of which took place on September 26-27, 2023, in Ankara. On March 1-2 of this year, the foreign ministers of Uzbekistan and Turkey met within the framework of a diplomatic forum in Antalya.

Interdepartmental interaction is also established and actively developing, contributing to the effective implementation of reforms and policies in the fields of transportation, healthcare, education, and other areas in both states.

Undoubtedly, the economy and trade remain a priority sphere of bilateral cooperation, serving as the foundation for the progress and prosperity of both states and the improvement of the level and quality of life of their peoples.

Over the past years, Turkey has been one of Uzbekistan's largest trade and economic partners, ranking 4th after Russia, China, and Kazakhstan. In March 2022, the Preferential Trade Agreement between Uzbekistan and Turkey was signed, reaffirming the parties' interest in increasing mutual trade indicators, the volumes of which exceeded 3 billion dollars in 2023. Plans have been outlined to increase this figure to 5 billion dollars in the coming years.

Investment cooperation is also rapidly developing. Turkey is one of the leading investors in the Uzbek economy. In the current year alone, around 100 joint ventures with Turkish investments have been established, and their total number now approaches two thousand. The current spheres of their activities include intensive horticulture, fisheries, animal husbandry, breeding, and others. Moreover, multifaceted bilateral strategic cooperation is intensively advancing in the fields of education, medicine, construction, textile industry, automotive industry, energy, science, technology, culture, digital economy, and security.

On December 25-26, 2023, the 7th session of the Uzbek-Turkish Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation was held in Ankara. As a result, a portfolio of new investment projects with a total value of 1.4 billion dollars was formed.

Interregional ties are progressively expanding. Leaders of Uzbekistan's regions regularly visit Turkey to establish connections, define prospects, and develop cooperation. For instance, following last year's delegation visit to Turkey from the Navoi region, agreements were signed for 11 projects in the textile, chemical, electrical engineering, and agricultural sectors, totaling over 230 million dollars.

The participation of a representative delegation led by the Vice President of Turkey, Cevdet Yılmaz, in the 3rd Tashkent International Investment Forum on May 1-2 of this year, was also fruitful. The delegation conducted a series of productive negotiations with ministries and departments of the republic and was received by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Considering the geographical location and potential of the two countries, their interests intersect in the sphere of developing transport and logistics routes. In particular, both sides are interested in promoting the multimodal transport corridor "Asian-Pacific Region - China - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Turkmenistan - Azerbaijan - Georgia - Turkey - Europe." The implementation of this extensive project will significantly enhance the foreign trade potential of both countries on a mutually beneficial basis and increase the volume of transit freight transportation through the territories of Uzbekistan and Turkey.

Speaking of the main directions of Uzbek-Turkish cooperation, one cannot overlook the intercultural dialogue, which has deep historical roots. A shared history, language, religion, and rich spiritual heritage form a strong foundation for the friendly and fraternal relations maintained today between the Uzbek and Turkish peoples.

During the days when the fraternal Turkish people suffered a great tragedy, with thousands of lives lost and many more affected by an unprecedented destructive earthquake in Turkey, the people of Uzbekistan rushed to aid with the words "Turkey! We stand with you!"

On February 18, 2023, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan visited the Turkish provinces of Hatay and Gaziantep and met with his counterpart, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, to express condolences regarding the earthquake in Turkey. Uzbekistan sent humanitarian aid and a group of rescuers and medical workers to Turkey to assist in search and rescue operations and provide necessary medical assistance. In the summer of 2023, an educational trip to Uzbekistan was organized for a group of Turkish youth affected by the earthquake in Turkey.

Another vivid example of the special relationship between the peoples of the two countries was the opening of the Turkish Consulate General in the city of Samarkand. Thus, Turkey became the first non-regional country to have a diplomatic mission in this historical city.

Expansion and deepening of cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian sphere, as well as the enrichment of cultures and the formation of a common cultural and humanitarian space, are facilitated by active contacts between cultural and scientific figures of the two countries. Turkish singers and musicians regularly participate in the International Music Festival "Sharq Taronalari" in Samarkand, as well as in international folklore festivals of traditional arts and crafts.

As part of the international program "Khiva - the cultural capital of the Turkic world," in 2020, a statue of Muhammad al-Khwarizmi was installed in Turkey, and the "Khiva Bobo" complex of monuments was opened.

A successful joint project of filmmakers from both countries was the creation of the historical series "Mendirman Jaloliddin," dedicated to the heroic ancestor of the Uzbek people.

Today, Uzbek youth widely benefit from the opportunity to receive education in Turkey. Expanding on this opportunity, a joint faculty was established at the Bukhara State Medical Institute in collaboration with the Turkish University of Medical Sciences, and a branch of the Turkish University of Economics and Technology was opened in Tashkent.

Tourism is also one of the powerful drivers of the economies of both countries and is an area of active interaction. Turkish specialists are involved in the development of pilgrimage tourism in Uzbekistan. Among the populations of Muslim states, Turkish citizens show the highest interest in the cultural and historical sites and landmarks of Uzbekistan. In 2023, the number of Turkish tourists visiting Uzbekistan exceeded 100,000.

As custodians of the rich Turkic cultural and historical heritage, Uzbekistan and Turkey pay special attention to cooperation in the fields of science and art. Scholars from both countries conduct joint research, exchange experiences and information, and organize major symposiums and conferences dedicated to the lives and activities of the great scholars and thinkers of both nations.

The cooperation between the football federations of Uzbekistan and Turkey is gaining momentum, primarily within the framework of the Organization of Turkic States. There is a high mutual interest in strengthening relations in this direction, and specialists from both countries have agreed to meet to discuss the preparation of young players, organizing competitions between national teams of different ages, exchanging experiences, and fostering collaboration.

As evident from the above, Tashkent and Ankara are firmly committed to further expanding and deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership, enriching the ties between the two states and peoples with new content and practical actions. In this context, the upcoming bilateral summit in Turkey will undoubtedly inject even more energy and constructiveness into the further development of mutually beneficial cooperation and further strengthen the fraternal ties between the peoples of the two countries.


