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Consular Issues

Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

Uzbekistan: Advancements for the Well-being of its People

In the realm of domestic labor, the year 2023 marked a significant milestone as of April 30 when an updated labor code, emphasizing the equilibrium of interests among workers, employers, and the state, came into effect in the republic.
It is worth noting that Uzbekistan has made remarkable strides in recent years towards upholding human rights, dignity, and liberalizing its economy to integrate into global markets. Notably, the eradication of forced and child labor has been achieved, and progress has been made in fostering freedom of speech, conscience, and gender equality.
Acknowledging the existence of poverty for the first time, the country's authorities have implemented an effective system to alleviate it, extending full coverage to families in need of social support from the state.
The newly revised Constitution stands as a renewed social contract between society and the state. A notable change is the threefold increase in norms related to social obligations. The Basic Law explicitly declares Uzbekistan as a social state, emphasizing the adherence to specific rules in implementing state policies in the field of social security.
(This article is given in Russian)
