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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

The main directions of Uzbekistan's state policy in the context of improving the country's position in international rankings and indices

Uzbekistan, located in the heart of Central Asia, has historically served as a melting pot of cultures and civilizations, owing to its crucial role in the Silk Road. Its diverse history reflects a fusion of empires, nomadic influences, and varied cultures that have shaped the region over millennia. However, despite its strategic location and potential, Uzbekistan has often lingered on the periphery of global discussions, failing to fully realize its international potential. Nevertheless, a transformative shift has become evident recently.

The past decade, in particular, has been monumental for the nation, witnessing a remarkable ascent in numerous international rankings. These rankings, covering economic indicators to social parameters, not only signify the nation's progress but also underscore its growing role on the global stage. In light of this, implementing an effective decision-making system based on openness in public administration becomes crucial. It is imperative to reassess the principles and mechanisms governing cooperation between state management and executive bodies. Each state body must ensure the implementation of state policy in its assigned area and be fully accountable for the outcome. Such a democratic approach to state management aligns seamlessly with the extensive reforms underway in Uzbekistan, particularly emphasizing the principle of dialogue with the people.

Uzbekistan has improved its standing in the Public Administration Quality Index compiled by the World Bank. The index encompasses accountability, political stability, government efficiency, corruption control, and other indicators. World Bank experts released updated indicators of public administration (World Governance Indicators, WGI) for 2021, reporting improvements in all six areas after a subpar performance in 2020.

The WGI index categorizes indicators into sections such as "reporting," "political stability and absence of violence," "government efficiency," "quality of regulatory and legal documents," and "rule of law and anti-corruption control." The World Bank does not independently rank countries based on this index.

The Regulatory Quality Index assesses a government's ability to "design and implement effective regulation that supports private sector development." The indicator considers various factors from different sources, including the organization of the market and competition, level of unfair competition, price controls, discriminatory tariffs and taxes, excessive protectionism, inconsistencies in the tax system, and regulatory burden. The index draws on information from sources such as the Bertelsmann Foundation, the Economist Intelligence Unit, the Heritage Foundation Index of Economic Freedom, The World Justice Project, and others.

In the index preparation, calculations from institutions like the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the World Economic Forum are taken into account. The regulatory indicator itself can range from -2.5 (worst) to 2.5 (best), with a neutral level at 0.

Comprehensive management is crucial in forming quality indicators, drawing from 30 information sources. Unlike the previous year, 16 sources of information were utilized to calculate Uzbekistan's indicators.

In the "Government efficiency" category, Uzbekistan is now ranked 116th among 208 countries, marking a rise of 22 places. Government efficiency is significantly influenced by the quality of public services, the functioning and independence of public offices from political pressure, the quality of policy development and implementation, and the government's commitment to these policies.

Uzbekistan's position indicator, in comparison with other countries, stands at 44.7 percent. This signifies that in 44.7 percent of countries, the level of public administration efficiency is lower than in Uzbekistan. This is a notable improvement from the previous year's figure of 34.1 percent.

Therefore, Uzbekistan embarks on a journey to explore the nuances, mechanisms, and strategies that have propelled its commendable ascent, shedding light on key aspects instrumental in repositioning it on the global map.

Extensive reviews of databases and reports from globally recognized institutions, such as the World Bank, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and regional bodies like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, were conducted. Special attention was given to annual reports, policy reviews, and specific country analysis documents detailing Uzbekistan's performance metrics over the past decade.

Surveys were distributed to both domestic and international business leaders operating in Uzbekistan to gather perceptions on the nation's business environment, reforms, and overall ease of operations.

Trend analysis mapped out Uzbekistan's numerical progression, utilizing data visualization tools like graphs and charts to highlight significant inflection points and shifts in rankings. Statistical tests were applied, where applicable, to determine the significance of observed changes.

Content analysis was performed on textual data from reports, interview transcripts, and survey responses. This facilitated the identification of recurring themes, sentiments, and narratives that could shed light on the qualitative aspects of Uzbekistan's growth. Special attention was given to policy descriptions, reform initiatives, and strategic partnerships to discern their impact on the country's international standing.

To contextualize Uzbekistan's growth, its trajectory was compared against select neighboring countries and global averages. This provided a perspective on the nation's performance relative to its peers and the global landscape.

Uzbekistan introduced a series of economic reforms that attracted foreign direct investment, leading to higher GDP growth rates and an improved ranking in the ease of doing business. Efforts to reduce dependence on traditional sectors, like cotton, resulted in growth in areas such as tourism, technology, and manufacturing.

The restructuring of the education system, emphasizing technological integration and vocational training, enhanced Uzbekistan's human capital index. Reports indicate marked improvement in freedom of expression, assembly, and the press.

Uzbekistan's commitment to sustainable practices and renewable energy positively influenced its ranking in global environmental indices.

The multifaceted approach adopted by Uzbekistan provides valuable insights into 21st-century nation-building. The nation's economic pivot, transitioning from an insular model to one inviting international collaboration, has been instrumental in its upward trajectory. By focusing on sectors beyond its traditional strengths, Uzbekistan has showcased adaptability.

Education emerges as another cornerstone. Recognizing the demands of a modern economy, Uzbekistan's focus on integrating technology into curricula and emphasizing vocational training demonstrates forward-thinking.

Improvements in civil liberties indicate not just a response to international pressure but possibly a more intrinsic societal evolution, reflecting a broader global trend towards transparency and freedom.

Lastly, Uzbekistan's environmental initiatives are particularly commendable. In an era where climate change impacts are undeniable, the nation's commitment to sustainable practices offers hope and serves as a model for others.

Uzbekistan's trajectory in international rankings is a testament to its adaptive reforms and strategic initiatives. As the country continues on this path, it solidifies its place not just in rankings but in global relevance and influence.

Tokhir Khasanov,

Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan,

DSc. in Economics, Associate Professor
