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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

An International scientific and practical conference entitled “The role of the scientific heritage of Abu Raykhan Beruni in the development of world science” in September 2023.

The Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, the National Commission for UNESCO, the Foundation for the Development of Culture and Art, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Governments of the Khorezm region and the Tashkent city, in cooperation with relevant ministries and departments, plan to hold an International scientific and practical conference entitled “The role of the scientific heritage of Abu Raykhan Beruni in the development of world science” in September 2023.

Articles for the conference are accepted in the following areas:

1. The role of applied sciences in the scientific heritage of Abu Rayhan Beruni.

2. Abu Rayhan Beruni and social sciences and humanities.

3. Modern approaches to the scientific heritage of Abu Rayhan Beruni.

4. The contribution of Abu Rayhan Beruni to the development of world civilization.


  • The submitted articles will be reviewed after the recommendations are included in the scientific collection and published. Articles are accepted on topical issues discussed at the conference, based on scientific analysis, with completed conclusions;
  • The length of the main text of the article should be between 6 and 12 pages (paper size - A4, font size - 14, at intervals of 1.5; top, bottom, left and right margins 2.5 cm, text editor: Microsoft Word, Times New Roman);
  • The title of the article should be written in capital letters, one empty line should be left, the first and last names of the authors should be indicated on the following line, and the academic degree and name of the organization should be indicated on one line later;
  • The article must contain keywords and a term (7-10), a brief abstract (Minimum 300 words) in Uzbek, Russian and English;
  • a list of references is given at the end of the text, a link is provided in square brackets, that is, a reference number: page [2: 30];
  • The title of the file must begin with the author’s name or the name of the first author;
  • The author or authors of the information presented in the text are responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the information.

The organizers bear all costs associated with the analysis and publication of submitted articles.

Working languages of the Conference: Uzbek, Russian, English.

Note: Unaccepted articles will not be returned to their authors.


  • Deadline for submission of articles: September 15, 2023 (address: Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Yakkasaray district, Yusuf Hos Khojib str. 76 Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment
  • e-mail: khamdamov.1986@bk.ru – tel.: (+99890) 285 40 77 (telegram), 
  •                       – tel.: (+99891) 132 97 30 (telegram);
  • The authors whose papers were accepted will be notified about the exact time and venue of the conference at the above addresses;
  • There is no payment for articles. The collection will be distributed free of charge to participants whose paper is accepted.
