

The Main Task is to Strengthen the Inter-State Dialogue, Enhance Mutually Beneficial Cooperation

The talks between the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimukhamedov continued in an extended format with the participation of official delegations from the two countries.

At the talks, the shared historical roots and religion, the similarity of languages, cultures and traditions have been particularly emphasized as a solid foundation for the Uzbek-Turkmen interactions.

«We consider the state visit of the President of Turkmenistan as a living testament of the inviolability of the centuries-old bonds of friendship and good neighborliness between our nations as well as the policy continuity towards deepening the bilateral relations», the President has said.

It was emphasized that strengthening a bilateral cooperation with Turkmenistan is a clear priority of the foreign policy of Uzbekistan.

The sides highly appreciated the strategic partnership in the chemical industry. It is set to expand the cooperation in the automotive, electrical, textile and pharmaceutical industries, the food industry and agriculture.

For these purposes, a medium-term Program of Trade and Economic Cooperation and the development of industrial cooperation shall be adopted. In addition, a joint project office shall be established to promote the most promising projects.

A special attention is paid to the development of cooperation in the field of transport. The cargo transportation grew by 17% last year and this trend continues this year. The parties have expressed interest in creating favorable conditions for the effective use of the unique transit potential of the countries of the region, including through the mutual provision of benefits and discounts for the transportation of goods.

Touching upon the issues of water-energy cooperation, the Presidents have noted the successful work of the Intergovernmental Commission on Water Management Issues. The President of Uzbekistan has noted with satisfaction signing a today’s historic Agreement on the Amudarya, which will serve to ensure the rational use of water resources in the region.

Uzbekistan expressed interest in expanding cooperation in the energy sector, including the supply of electricity, gas and petroleum products from Turkmenistan.

The Turkmen side expressed interest in diversifying and increasing trade, developing industrial cooperation.

«Among the specific industries where our countries have great potential, we single out the agro-industrial complex, energy, chemical and petrochemical industries, mechanical engineering, textiles and pharmaceuticals. There are significant opportunities to build partnerships among the business communities. The cross-border relations have intensified in recent years. We look forward to continuing and expanding cooperation with Uzbekistan», the President of Turkmenistan has noted.

At the end of the talks, the Presidents instructed the governments of the two countries to ensure the unconditional implementation of the agreements reached and to report monthly on the progress of their implementation.

«I am confident that today’s talks shall play an important role in the further development of comprehensive cooperation, further strengthen the strategic partnership between the two brotherly countries and bring it to a qualitatively new level», the President has said.

It was noted with satisfaction that the two countries have every opportunity to maintain positive dynamics and double the volume of trade in the coming years.

This shall be supported by the decisions to be taken on the establishment of the Uzbek-Turkmen border trade zone and the opening of trade houses in both nations’ capitals.
