

Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan Presidents meet in Ashgabat


President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov have met in Ashgabat.

The President of Uzbekistan, on behalf of Uzbekistan people and his own behalf, once again expressed deep condolences to the Leader of Turkmenistan in connection with the passing of his father Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov.

It was noted that Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov was a faithful son of the Turkmen people and a true patriot who made a huge contribution to the prosperity of his country.

The President of Turkmenistan, thanking for the condolences, emphasized that he highly appreciates and values ​​the fact that the brotherly people of Uzbekistan and their Leader share with them the bitterness of loss in these difficult days.

During the talks, the Presidents of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan discussed the current issues of the bilateral agenda and regional interaction.

The Leader of Uzbekistan congratulated Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on his election as Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, which was clear evidence of the strong support by the people of Turkmenistan for the policy aimed at the prosperity of the country.

It was noted with satisfaction that despite the difficult period of the pandemic, a positive dynamic in the development of Uzbekistan – Turkmenistan relations at all levels is ensured.

Thanks to joint efforts, in recent years, the trade turnover has more than tripled, reaching $530 million last year. Over 150 joint ventures have been established.

At the same time, attention was paid to the need for fuller use of the existing potential in trade, investment, industrial cooperation, primarily in transport, energy, mechanical engineering, light and food industries, agriculture and water management.

The readiness was expressed for further jointly promoting the Ashgabat Agreement on the creation of an international transport and transit corridor, as well as ensuring efficient loading of the multimodal route China – Central Asia – South Caucasus – Turkey and continuing interaction on the development of transport and logistics infrastructure.

During the talks, the urgency of enhancing and strengthening cultural and humanitarian cooperation, which is the most important factor in bringing peoples of the two countries closer together, was emphasized.

The President of Uzbekistan expressed his special gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for his initiative to create the Tashkent Park in Ashgabat, which will become another vivid symbol of fraternal relations between the two countries.

It was decided to hold soon in Tashkent the next meeting of Uzbekistan – Turkmenistan Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific, Technical and Cultural Cooperation to increase interaction and search for new growth points.

Following the meeting, the leaders of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan confirmed their commitment to consistently deepening strategic partnerships based on the principles of mutual trust and respect, which will further strengthen the centuries-old friendship and good-neighborliness of the peoples of the two countries.

