

Shavkat Mirziyoyev: People feel happy when issues are resolved first of all in the mahalla

The Head of the state has met with representatives and mahalla chairmen of Alat, Karakul, Jandar, and Shafirkan districts. The consequences of the natural disaster that occurred last year were discussed.

“2020 has become a period of great trials for our country, including Bukhara region. The natural disaster that occurred here caused great damage to the economy, infrastructure, and houses that people had been building for 30-40 years. We set a goal to get out of these troubles even stronger, and thanks to the patience, unity, and solidarity of our people, we have achieved these results”, the President said.



It was noted that no family was left without attention. In particular, low-income families of Alat, Karakul, and Jandar districts were provided with financial assistance for almost 14 billion UZS within the framework of the “Generosity and Support” Nationwide Movement.

It was emphasized that the work carried out in the name of improving people’s wellbeing will be consistently continued, for which the leaders of the lower levels should wake up and work selflessly.

“The purpose of my visit is to listen to people more, correctly determine the ways of development. Our work will be more effective if the hokims of districts and mahalla chairmen openly talk about their problems and ways to their solution”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted.

It was indicated that the program for the development of territories and plans for reducing poverty will be implemented in the context of mahallas.

“When will the chairman of mahallas be respected? When he clearly brings people’s concerns to leaders. People will be happy if all issues are resolved primarily in the mahalla itself”, the President said.

It was stressed that the work on creating sources of income and employment for the population will continue. This year, 36 billion UZS will be allocated for youth and family business projects in Karakul district, 21 billion UZS in Alat district, and 49 billion UZS in Jandar district. Karakul Center for Vocational Training will train 980 unemployed and citizens who want to work abroad in various professions.

In 2021-2022, 42, 56, and 67 projects will be implemented in Alat, Karakul, and Jandar districts respectively, and it is planned to employ 3 thousand people.

A $20 million worth logistics center in Alat district, a sulfur processing plant in Karakul district, and a ceramic tile production plant in Jandar district will be put into operation. Small industrial zones will be created.

There are also untapped opportunities in agriculture. This year, 18 kilometers of reclamation networks will be built and the South Alat inter-farm collector will be reconstructed. As a result, the land that has been withdrawn from circulation will be reclaimed, and crops that are in demand on the market will be grown.

The President highlighted the development of the social sphere. In particular, he noted that a Center of Spirituality and Culture with a cinema and a library will be built in Alat district. Besides, schools, kindergartens, medical institutions, and social service facilities will be built.

This year, International Mathematical School will be reconstructed in Karakul, and a 200-bed dormitory will be built for it. Talented youth of this school will be attracted to the IT sector.

This year, a joint project with the World Bank worth $139 million to improve drinking water supply in Alat and Karakul districts will be completed. 265 thousand residents will have access to drinking water. Over the past 30 years, the availability of drinking water in these two districts was 17 percent, and this year this figure will reach 90 percent.

At the meeting, the President noted that the movement of trains on the Alat – Tashkent route will be resumed taking into account residents’ appeals. 

There is a growing awareness across the country that indifference and procrastination are not conducive to change. The result will be the creation of conditions for people, support of initiative people, enthusiasm, and hard work.

