

President touches upon the events in Sokh

President touches upon the events in Sokh

The working visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Fergana region continues.




A meeting is taking place with participation of khokims of the region and districts, heads of spheres and industries, members of the public in the city of Fergana.




The Head of the state noted that he came to the region to speak openly with people, solve problems together and ease people’s concerns.




“It will be right if I speak briefly, and you will speak more. No praise. The greatest praise – the trust of people – I have already received. We are still taking the first steps. Easy to come and applaud. But it is useless. I myself visit districts to feel the living conditions of people, take concrete measures, find answers to questions about whether reforms work in remote areas, whether lower-level managers work in good faith, selflessly. Such meetings are not held every day. Therefore, resolutely raise the most important issues”, the President assured.




The Head of the state touched upon the events in Sokh district last week.




“In recent years, we have managed to solve many problematic issues on the border with neighboring countries. Events in Sokh should not affect our friendship with Kyrgyz people, our mutual trips and general plans. We need to be calm, patient, compassionate. Neighborhood – for thousands of years. Our people should live side by side and respect each other”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized.




The Government Commission, led by the Prime Minister, examined the problems and prepared holistic proposals. It is planned to allocate 500 billion UZS for comprehensive development of Sokh district in 2020-2022. It is planned to create 11 thousand new jobs.




98 projects will be implemented, industry, agriculture and services will be developed.




Individuals will be exempted from land tax and property tax, and the income tax rate for individual entrepreneurs will be reduced by 2 times. Water supply will be improved on a thousand hectares of cultivated land.




Departments of the district medical association, the infectious diseases hospital and the central hospital will be provided with specialized equipment and reanimobiles. Schools, rural medical centers, roads and social facilities will be repaired.




In 2020/2021 academic year, the Sokh youth will be allocated an additional 500 places for training in higher education institutions of Fergana valley on the basis of a state grant.



