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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

Uzbekistan intends to introduce international standards in statistics

The field of statistics in Uzbekistan will change. This is linked to the harmonization of domestic methods with international standards. According to experts, this will ensure the effectiveness and correctness of the ongoing reforms within the framework of the current policy of the leadership of the State.

It is worth noting that the first steps to implement international standards in statistics have already been taken. In particular, the methodology for calculating inflation has been brought into conformity, the list of statistically observed goods has been expanded, the practice of openly publishing financial and economic indicators for the state budget, external debt, gold reserves and natural resources has been established.

At the next stage, country is planning to create interconnected statistics per region and industry, and synchronize it with a single international statistical system.

Unemployment rates will be brought into full compliance with the standards of the International Labor Organization. With regards to this, method and scope of surveys will be expanded.

An international system for calculating the cost of treating diseases will also be introduced to the country’s healthcare. This is necessary in view of the country’s transition to health insurance system.

Along with this, the material and technical base of the system will be strengthened, software will be updated, and an integrated mechanism for collecting and processing statistical data on tax, labor and financial sectors will be introduced.

The State Committee on Statistics is assigned to develop a roadmap that will foresee unification with international statistical standards in education, agriculture, foreign trade, transport, construction, the environment, tourism and other areas.

Legislation in the respective area will also be improved to create an independent, internationally aligned statistics system.

Noteworthy that Uzbekistan plans to conduct a population census in 2022. Hence, the country has already started preparation works for this event. It is known that foreign experts will be involved in this process. Specialists involved in the census will receive relevant training.

The National Strategy for the Development of Statistics is currently in improvement stage. World Bank experts assisted in preparing the draft document.



Dunyo” IA
