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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

Uzbekistan is ensuring social protection of the population amid COVID-19 outbreak

A number of Presidential decrees adopted in Uzbekistan to address the social protection and the support of economy challenges amid coronavirus outbreak. Special Republican Commission for preventing the spread of coronavirus, headed by the Prime-Minister, from day one has been taking bold steps to contain the epidemic.

Quarantine and self-isolation regime allowed to control the outbreak, yet in turn, they caused serious challenges for population, especially those vulnerable and medical workers along with law enforcement personnel who are the first to fight the disease.

Particularly, beneficiary circle was extended; number of families included in allowances and material assistance program increased from 595.4 thousand to 655 thousand.

Medical, sanitary-epidemiologic and other workers engaged into direct fight against coronavirus, a daily supplement of 6% of the monthly official salary has been introduced. This allowance was determined by almost 5.5 thousand employees

Presidential decree foresees monthly incentive payments ranging from 5 to 25 million soums (500 and 2,5 thousand dollars respectively), as well as from 100 million to 250 million (10 and 25 thousand dollars respectively) in cases of infection.

Parents or their substitutes while on quarantine due to potential infection or the infection as well as individuals taking care of children below 14 years old will receive temporary disability benefits in the amount of 100% of the average wage.

The term for the payment of benefits to families with children (up to 2 years) and childcare benefits (up to 14 years), the payment term of which ended in March 2020, was extended by 6 months. Such families continue to receive state assistance without any paperwork and unnecessary documents.

Particular attention in this situation is paid to protecting the rights and interests of the population and workers.

200 billion soums were transferred to the Public Works Fund for the targeted creation of temporary jobs for the population.

The state ensures timely payment of wages to employees of state institutions that have suspended their work. More than a million people working during the quarantine period continued to receive timely salaries.

Along with this, government prohibits the termination of contract within the specified period with an employee who is the parent (or substitute person) of a child infected with coronavirus infection or quarantined, and also under the age of 14.

Measures are being taken to organize a simplified system for issuing documents on temporary disability to the population.

During the period of suspension of activities of preschool educational institutions and secondary schools, parents (or persons replacing them) are granted annual leave, regardless of a pre-established schedule. Such leave is also provided to parents who have performed 6 months of day-to-day work.

For the period of the quarantine measures, the list of basic foodstuffs and hygiene products for free provision of lonely elderly and disabled people requiring outside care has been supplemented with sets of protective and hygiene products.

At the same time, the current procedure for the appointment and payment of social benefits is constantly being amended to simplify the procedure for evaluating families who have declared their intention to receive social benefits.

The costs of providing social benefits and material assistance will be covered by a specially created Anti-Crisis Fund in the amount of 10 trillion soums.

The initiative of the head of state to create “Kindness and Support” Nationwide Movement that aims to stimulate state entrepreneurs who carry out charity during a pandemic should also be highlighted.

The steps taken by Uzbekistan indicate that the protection of life and health, as well as ensuring the well-being of citizens, are among the most important tasks.

Noteworthy that most Uzbekistani positively assess the measures taken in the country to provide assistance and support to citizens during the period of self-isolation. The opinion poll showed that 94 percent of citizens consider them sufficient and timely.
