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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

60 self-employed occupations in Uzbekistan are exempted from income tax

Uzbek government is continuing to support business. For the last two months, the country has adopted 12 Presidential decrees to mitigate the impact of pandemic on the well-being of people and the economy. As a result, more than 500 thousand businesses and 8 million citizens received preferences totaling 30 trillion soums.

Additional measures aimed at improving citizens’ business activity voiced during the meeting with the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev on May 19.

110 thousand business across “red”, “yellow”, “green” zones are allowed to resume their work. 600 thousand people have already returned to their regular work schedules.

40 thousand additional enterprises will be allowed to resume their labor forces while adhering to epidemiologic situation.

Country places a great emphasis on ensuring rights of entrepreneurs and inviolability of their property. Assigned entities will strengthen liability for violation of the inviolability of property, will ensure the full implementation of court decisions on compensation for property of entrepreneurs.

Government is planning to introduce a system to create decent conditions for self-employed citizens. Particularly, barbers, hairdressers, shoemakers, bakers, blacksmiths, carpenters, tailors, taxi drivers, translators, designers, programmers - self-employed representatives of more than 60 professions will be exempt from income tax. Entrepreneurs will only need to notify tax authorities on the use of suggested preference.

Loan repayments totaling 1 trillion soums allocated through “Every Family is an Entrepreneur” program was extended. 100 million dollars allocated for full implementation of the program from the Fund for Reconstruction and Development.
