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Consular Issues

Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

Private enterprise employs 1.2 thousand women

Private enterprise employs 1.2 thousand women

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the activities of VBM Textile Group LLC in the city of Andijan.
The enterprise building has been vacant for almost thirteen years. The situation completely changed when the object was transferred to an entrepreneur at a “zero” cost. Construction and repair work for $6.5 million was completed, sewing and weaving machines from the United States, Italy and Japan were installed.
A modern enterprise has been launched ten days ago. It produces an average of 11 million units of finished knitwear per year.
Export agreements have been signed with CIS countries on the supply of products worth $27 million. To expand the geography of exports, negotiations are being held with the European Union countries. The factory employs 1.2 thousand women.
The Head of the state held a conversation with the team.
“First of all, I congratulate you on the upcoming bright holiday. I see that this factory has become a special gift for Andijan people. Every workplace is important to us. I am very glad that so many women work here. Our entrepreneurs enter global markets. This is the result of a changing worldview, realization of opportunities”, the President said.
Responsible persons were given instructions on deepening the processing of cotton fiber, creating added value, attracting additional investments to enterprises and assisting them in mastering the full production cycle.
Previously, all cotton grown in the region was sold without processing, while the proceeds from it did not reach $100 million. Now, as a result of development of processing, this year products worth almost $440 million will be exported. In 2021, it is planned to bring up this figure to $527 million.
VBM Textile Group plans to organize jeans production in Andijan, weaving and dyeing facilities.
Information was provided on investment projects that will be implemented in the region in 2020-2021.
