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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

Important directions in regional economic development outlined

On May 7, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a videoconference on measures to increase the economic potential of districts and cities in Andijan, Navoi and Surkhandarya regions.

Each region of Uzbekistan is unique in its own way. Even districts within the same region differ in their capabilities. Therefore, issues of economic development of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the city of Tashkent and regions are discussed by the President in detail and separately.

Head of the state, while traveling to places and communicating with people, focuses on ensuring that the defined measures meet the current needs and yield real results.

– I am very concerned about whether our efforts, decisions being made, bring real changes to the lives of ordinary people in rural areas, did their income increase, did they find a job, do their children go to school, do they have a home, clean water, do they eat well. These are the most important questions that leaders at all levels must answer before our people, – says the President.

It was criticized that the decision-making process in the center is guided by general reports of khokims. The need for solving each problem in a particular district, village, makhalla, sphere and enterprise was noted. The task was set to start the development of any program from each village, specifying which direction in which village will be developed, how much money should be allocated for this.

For example, 55 thousand families in Surkhandarya, 41 thousand in Andijan and 14 thousand in Navoi regions should be lifted out of poverty. It is necessary to increase people’s wellbeing by increasing the number of small businesses, supporting handicrafts and growing agricultural products.

It was noted that this requires more intensive work in the following three directions.

The first direction is development of industry, deep processing of local raw materials, specialization of each district, village and makhalla.

In Andijan, Navoi and Surkhandarya regions, majority of production is concentrated in one industry or is accounted for by state-owned enterprises. In particular, 69 percent of industrial production in Andijan is mechanical engineering, 72.5 percent in Navoi region – mining and metallurgy. In addition, 78 percent of production in Andijan and 91 percent in Navoi are provided by enterprises of the national significance.

The share of Surkhandarya industry in the country is only 1.5 percent and its share in the gross regional product is only 8 percent, which is one of the lowest indicators in Uzbekistan.

It was noted that these regions have all the opportunities for diversification of industries and measures were identified in this direction.

In particular, it was instructed to allocate the initiators in Andijan region’s Khojaabad district a place for organization of 32 sewing and knitting enterprises. These enterprises will create 6,5 thousand workplaces.

It was noted that it is possible to produce construction materials by developing deposits in the mountains of Bulakbashi district, to bring the production of furniture in Oltinkul district’s Ijtimoyat makhalla to the industrial level.

It was instructed to create a small industrial zone on the basis of low-yielding areas near the automobile plant in Asaka district and increase the production of components.

Reconstruction of the power grid of Suvlik Granit field in Navoi region’s Nurota district can provide work for 450 people in Istiqlol makhalla. Tamdyn district has reserves of phosphorites, glass, cement, decorative building stones and limestone. Deeper geological studies in Uchkuduk district may reveal more resources.

There are many artisans-carpet makers in Surkhandarya region’s Sherabad district. Bandikhan district has many raw materials for making carpets from sheep and goat wool. By establishing cooperation between these neighboring districts, it will be possible to process 85 tons of wool and leather per year.

Due to poor power supply in Oltinsoy district, the processing capacity of 80 thousand tons of grapes and 13 thousand tons of grain harvested here per year is limited. There are also reserves of facing stone used in construction in the amount of 10 million tons.

Head of the state pointed out many such opportunities and gave appropriate instructions to responsible persons. The Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction was instructed to create together with regional khokims 10 new small industrial zones on 33 hectares of land and on the basis of unused buildings with an area of 5.3 thousand square meters in Andijan, Navoi and Surkhandarya regions.

The second direction is to increase local investment and tourism potential, develop infrastructure to improve service.

The situation in Andijan, Navoi and Surkhandarya regions in this direction was considered at the meeting. Thus, the share of the city of Khanabad in service sector of Andijan region is only 1 percent. At the same time, there is a great potential for health tourism due to development of mineral waters and production of medicinal water.

By repairing roads leading to Tudakul Reservoir in Qiziltepa district and Sarmishsoy tract in Navoi region’s Navbakhor district, it will be possible to organize tourist zones and increase the flow of guests several times.

There is no market in Surkhandarya region’s Oltinsoy district. In addition, there are opportunities to create modern shopping and service centers on Manguzar – Termez – Denau highway, which runs through the district.

It was instructed to calculate all such reserves in service sector and attract entrepreneurs to use them.

Third direction is to increase agricultural production and ensure economic growth at this expense.

Residents of Mirobod makhalla in Andijan district plant pepper and harvest up to 2 thousand tons per year. They also buy and process 3-4 thousand tons per year from other districts.

Thousands of families in Izboskan district’s Yuqori Chuvama makhalla grow walnuts and peanuts. Allocation of additional land to them can expand their processing capacity and create more jobs.

Navoi region has pastures on 8 million hectares and has a great potential for raising livestock, especially sheep and goats. To do this, it is necessary to build wells and create new livestock farms. As a result, more than 500 people will be employed. It was noted that these projects will create Navoi model of animal husbandry.

Natural and climatic conditions of Surkhandarya region are different from other regions, it is possible to harvest two or three times, grow heat-tolerant plants.

For example, the demand for pomegranates in Sherabad district is high. However, pomegranate plantations here occupy only 32 hectares – 0.1 percent of the district’s cultivated land. If pomegranate plantations are created in place of low-yielding cotton and grain fields, farmers can earn 10 times more and export products worth 30-40 million USD.

It was noted that 2 thousand hectares of degraded land in Muzrabot and 1.2 thousand hectares in Kumkurgon districts should be recultivated and distributed among the unemployed population, and the cultivation of early-maturing crops should be increased. As a result, about 4,000 new jobs will be created.

Issues of planting crops in the rows of orchards and vineyards, ensuring the stability of prices for agricultural crops were again discussed at the meeting.

– The result will be achieved only when each manager changes his style of work and develops practical projects, taking into account capabilities and abilities of ordinary people. The economy will grow if changes occur in villages and makhallas, – said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Andijan, Navoi and Surkhandarya regions’ khokims, heads of industries presented their reports at the videoconference.
