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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

Flooding in the Syrdarya - the Uzbek people are strong and united in opposing the elements

Due to heavy rain and wind, on May 1 in the morning, part of the dam on the Sardoba reservoir in the Syrdarya region was broken. As a result of the natural disaster, significant damage was caused to settlements, communication systems and agricultural land.

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev urgently arrived at the scene in order to be with people in this difficult situation, clearly examine the situation and eliminate the consequences of the emergency. Meeting with the local population, he noted that each victim of the disaster will be given special attention.

“In this difficult time, we are all with you.” First, fire engines pump water in each mahalla. At the expense of construction and repair, the construction of new houses, we will consult with the people. Farmers' problems will be resolved with access to the fields. Most importantly, you are alive and well, your children are with you. Be calm, said President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

The head of state arrived at the site of the dam's breakthrough, examined the scene of the incident, stayed there for two days until the leak stopped, while in the region he constantly maintained contact with the population.

Generosity and unity are those qualities that prevail among the Uzbek people in difficult and joyful days. This is confirmed by history - deep and modern. During the Second World War, thousands of people evacuated from occupied territories found shelter and care in Uzbekistan, and today the country is among the first to send humanitarian aid to its partners and neighbors exposed to the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

An unexpected natural disaster today overshadowed the days of the Syrdarya. But the Uzbeks did not leave them in trouble. The flow of humanitarian aid flowing from all regions of the republic does not stop for a minute.

On the very first day of the incident, loads of warm clothing, basic necessities, and foodstuffs began to arrive in Syrdarya from Jizzakh, Samarkand, Tashkent, Bukhara, Kashkadarya, Andijan, Surkhandarya and other regions.

At the session of the Kengash of People’s Deputies of the Samarkand region, an initiative was launched and unanimously supported to send 5 billion soums - the amount of overfulfillment of the region’s budget for the first quarter of 2020 to help the population of the Sardoba region.

All the attention of citizens of the country today is directed to people affected by natural disasters. In the forefront of the assistance - ministries and departments, government bodies. In particular, the Ministry of Justice in the framework of the campaign “Hello Sardoba, we are together!” sent the necessary products to the region. The Ministry of Health has assisted in the provision of medicines.

Well, and, of course, responsive Uzbeks are doing their bit and sending all possible assistance to the Syrdarya.

On the day of the incident, May 1, a group of active residents of the capital launched a campaign on social networks to collect assistance to Sardobins. More than 100 cars arrived at the place of cargo formation, delivering basic necessities, clothes, bedding, children's toys and books.

One of the Syrdarya people, touched by such attention and support, wrote on his social media page: “So far, more than 150 cars have arrived with help from the Khorezm, Bukhara, Navoi, Samarkand and Jizzakh regions. The flow of these relief vehicles does not stop in the morning. ”

Non-governmental organizations and entrepreneurs also take an active part in ensuring the protection of public health, providing moral and material support to flood victims.

Only one company from Namangan “Aisha Home Textile” sent 250 million soums to the people of Syrdarya. The enterprises “APK Oq oltin” and “Arnasoy Gold Tex”, active public figures, journalists and representatives of creative circles are also in the forefront of such charity events.

“Good deeds have wings,” says a proverb. Today, the essence of this proverb can be seen in a life example demonstrated by Uzbeks.

A few years ago, on the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan, the program “Obod kishlok” (“Comfortable Village”) was developed in the republic. As part of its implementation in the Dustlik district of the Jizzakh region, the village of Manas was completely rebuilt, the inhabitants of which found a new life and new hopes. Today, they themselves participate in a good deed and help their compatriots.

In this regard, one of the users of social networks Asliddin Bektoshev made the following post: “A friend of mine called from the village of Manas in the Dustlik district of the Jizzakh region. A part of the population affected by the flood was brought and placed in the school of this village. To prevent women and small children from freezing, local residents sheltered them in their homes at night. Thank God that there are people among us who are ready to share bread and bread with our neighbors. We are endlessly grateful to all of them.”

Due to the events in Sardob, more than 600 Syrdarya arrived in the Tashkent region. Representatives of local authorities of the Chinaz, Bukin, Akkurgan, Bekabad districts and the city of Bekabad met them with open arms. They created all the conditions for them. The Syrdarya residents are provided with housing, food, and food. Doctors provide the medical care they need, monitor the state of their health.

Modern Uzbeks are children of courageous people who turned the steppes of the Syrdarya into blooming gardens. And today, when a natural disaster happened, they set an example of perseverance and courage. All together, joining forces, they strictly follow the established requirements. This means that no doubt in the near future the consequences of a natural disaster will be eliminated.
