



ウズベキスタン国営航空は2023年12月から2024 年 3 月まで「タシケント-東京-タシケント」線の直行便の運航を継続することを決定した。

Private sector as a driver of a modern economy of Uzbekistan: reforms and challenges

In 2016, Uzbekistan embarked on a path of large-scale reform of its economic sphere. Six years later, the country has moved from a closed to an open model.

Enhancing the Guarantees of Human Rights Protection in the New Constitution of Uzbekistan

This year, the international community commemorates two significant milestones: the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 30th anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action on Human Rights. The remarkable history of the Universal Declaration has effectively demonstrated the universal value of human rights. These rights are indispensable for the attainment of peace, security, and sustainable development.

Ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens is the main vector for the implementation of social policy in Uzbekistan

Since the first days of Uzbekistan's independence, great attention has been paid to the system of social protection of the population. In our republic, at first, using the legal foundations of the former union state, national network legislation began to be formed step by step. At first, decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, government decisions, then industry laws and a number of statutory documents were adopted - thus, the system of social protection of the population based on national legislation began to form.