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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

News from Uzbekistan

The Crucial Role of Care and Attention in Shaping Our National Development Through Children

The new version of the Constitution, adopted in the referendum held in our country on April 30, 2023, created the political and legal basis for the implementation of the New Uzbekistan strategy and determined the priority directions for the further development of the state and society at the historically important stage of the development of national statehood.

Constitution of Uzbekistan and Sustainable Development Goals

​On the initiative of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the month of the Sustainable Development Goals is being held in the country, within the framework of which over 20 events are held - international conferences, round tables, public hearings dedicated to each of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted in Uzbekistan.

Constitution of Uzbekistan: protection of the rights and freedoms of every citizen

In the realm of international law, the cornerstone of democracy lies in the protection of human rights and the principle of equality for all citizens. Regardless of factors such as race, nationality, gender, place of residence, societal position, or religious and political beliefs, these foundational principles underscore the essence of democracy, ensuring a fair and just society.

Productive Discussions with JETRO's Executive Vice President Nobutaka Maekawa

Meeting with Nobutaka Maekawa, the newly appointed Executive Vice President of JETRO

"Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine" Joint Stock Company is a reliable guarantee of strengthening the economy of Uzbekistan

The mining and metallurgical industry occupies one of the leading places in the economy of Uzbekistan. In this regard, Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine JSC for gold mining and production has high industrial, technical, and technological potential, as well as a unique human resource.

Uzbekistan: creation of ecological territories of sustainable development as a model for implementing the SDGs

In today's world, we are not just witnesses but active participants in the profound global transformations occurring in both society and nature. The intricate interconnectivity of the modern world emphasizes that any action taken, especially those impacting the environment, ripples across every corner of the Earth. As global challenges escalate, the imperative for international guidelines and goals promoting sustainable development becomes increasingly apparent.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as a universal call to action, uniting countries regardless of their development status or available resources. These goals focus on enhancing human well-being and safeguarding the natural environment from the consequences of unrestrained resource consumption. The urgency to adopt and implement these SDGs arises from the worsening global issues in our collective journey toward a sustainable future.

Navoiyuran: A State Enterprise Leading with 100% Export Excellence

In the fifties of the last century, the strategic task of searching for and developing large deposits of uranium marked the beginning of the industrial development of the rich subsoil of the endless Kyzylkum desert.

National model of crime prevention: the experience of Uzbekistan

In 2017, the Republic of Uzbekistan moved to a new stage of its democratic and legal development. Over the past period, a comprehensive legal system has been created to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, protect public order, ensure the safety of individuals, society and the state, and prevent crime.

Transforming Uzbekistan's Internal Affairs: A People-Centric Approach

In Uzbekistan, the transformation of internal affairs bodies into a people-focused and democratic institution has been a key priority since gaining independence. The government has implemented comprehensive reforms, emphasizing democratic principles and adopting best practices from developed countries to safeguard citizens' rights and interests.

Evolution of Criminal Policy in New Uzbekistan: Embracing Progressive Principles

One of the greatest advantages of the Criminal Code of the New Uzbekistan is the institution of fundamental underlying principles (Articles 3-10).