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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

Embassy news

Seminar on Business and Tourism Opportunities of Uzbekistan

Seminar on Business and Tourism Opportunities of Uzbekistan


The national air company "Uzbekistan Airways" has initiated flights to Tokyo for the first time in 15 years, even during the winter season

the decision has been made to continue direct flights on the "Tashkent-Tokyo-Tashkent" route from December 2023 to March 2024.

Consonance of fundamental human rights and freedoms

​December 10, 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Adopted at the 3rd session of the UN General Assembly and containing recommendations to member countries of the organization, this normative act reveals the rights of all people living on planet Earth.

Ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens is the main vector for the implementation of social policy in Uzbekistan

Since the first days of Uzbekistan's independence, great attention has been paid to the system of social protection of the population. In our republic, at first, using the legal foundations of the former union state, national network legislation began to be formed step by step. At first, decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, government decisions, then industry laws and a number of statutory documents were adopted - thus, the system of social protection of the population based on national legislation began to form.

Productive Discussions with JETRO's Executive Vice President Nobutaka Maekawa

Meeting with Nobutaka Maekawa, the newly appointed Executive Vice President of JETRO

Uzbekistan: creation of ecological territories of sustainable development as a model for implementing the SDGs

In today's world, we are not just witnesses but active participants in the profound global transformations occurring in both society and nature. The intricate interconnectivity of the modern world emphasizes that any action taken, especially those impacting the environment, ripples across every corner of the Earth. As global challenges escalate, the imperative for international guidelines and goals promoting sustainable development becomes increasingly apparent.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as a universal call to action, uniting countries regardless of their development status or available resources. These goals focus on enhancing human well-being and safeguarding the natural environment from the consequences of unrestrained resource consumption. The urgency to adopt and implement these SDGs arises from the worsening global issues in our collective journey toward a sustainable future.

The General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization, held in Samarkand, garnered attention from the Japanese press

An article titled "The General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) was held in Samarkand, the tourist center of the Great Silk Road" was published on the website of the prominent Japanese tourism publishing house "Chikyuno Arukikata."

Exciting Opportunity: Shizenkan University in Japan Offers Grant for Two-Year MBA Program!

Exciting Opportunity: Shizenkan University in Japan Offers Grant for Two-Year MBA Program!

Abdulaziz Komilov receives Order of the Emperor of Japan

The ceremony to present Abdulaziz Komilov with the Order of the Emperor of Japan took place