




“Three waves” of the development of the electoral legislation of the New Uzbekistan

“One of the most important socio-political events of this year in Uzbekistan, which is of key importance for the further sustainable development of our country, and the entire Central Asian region as a whole, in the medium and long term, is the upcoming presidential elections in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

ISRS expert: Uzbekistan is adapting its strategy of combating terrorism to modern challenges and threats, relying on the struggle for the minds of people, primarily young people

The Government of Uzbekistan is based on the principle: it is important to combat the causes that cause citizens to become susceptible to terrorist ideologies, - said the Head of the Department of the Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Timur Akhmedov, in an analytical article “Experience of Uzbekistan in the fight against terrorism and international cooperation”, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent.

President of Uzbekistan takes part in 2021 P4G Summit

On May 30, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, at the invitation of the President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in, took part in the Second International Summit “Partnership for Green Growth and Global Goals 2030” (P4G), in Seoul, via videoconference.







The regional course of the head of Uzbekistan is a symbol of renewal of the whole of Central Asia

Central Asia has undergone a radical transformation in recent years. The positive trends observed in the region have affected almost all spheres - from political and economic to cultural and humanitarian. The formation of a new political climate in Central Asia is evidenced by the increased contacts between heads of state, the growth of trade volumes, and the implementation of large joint projects.

Enhancing the role of the Ombudsman in ensuring human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests in the context of ongoing reforms

In Uzbekistan, systematic work is being carried out to fulfill international obligations to strengthen the legislative and institutional framework for the protection of human rights, to implement international human rights standards in national legislation and to intensify cooperation with international organizations on the protection of human rights.


Uzbekistan has been carrying out reforms on the principle of "human interests above all else" and ensuring proper protection of human rights. Thus, the country has identified human rights protection as one of the priority areas.