


Ensuring women's rights is an integral part of the State gender policy in Uzbekistan

​Today over two-thirds of the world's countries are participants in the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) adopted in 1979. 

Participation of civil society institutions in the implementation of reforms: experience and achievements of Uzbekistan

Dialogue with the people is a key principle that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has been promoting since taking office. Particular emphasis is placed on involving citizens in decision-making processes. Thus, the approval in 2018 of the Law “On Public Control” expanded the rights and opportunities of self-government bodies of citizens, non-governmental non-profit organizations, and the media. At the same time, a new institution was developed in Uzbekistan - public councils under government bodies. The opening of permanent consultative and advisory bodies operating voluntarily was provided for by the relevant presidential decree. By 2022, councils were already operating under more than 70 government agencies and institutions of the republic.

A New Flight Takes Off: Youth and Business Take Center Stage in 2024

Reflecting on the achievements and milestones of 2023, a pivotal year for our nation on the global stage, we usher in 2024 with a renewed focus on youth empowerment and robust support for the business sector. 

Youth is the backbone of Uzbekistan's development

Today, the intellectual youth of New Uzbekistan demonstrates their potential in various fields to the entire world community. Indeed, our state is moving to a new stage of development. Large-scale reforms help strengthen cooperation and create stability not only within the country, but throughout the region.

A Reliable Shield of Sacred Boundaries: January 14 – Day of Defenders of the Motherland

The Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan stand as a steadfast pillar supporting our independence and statehood, safeguarding our nation's territorial integrity, and ensuring our people's tranquil existence. Those dedicated to this cause play a pivotal role in instilling a love for the Motherland within the younger generation.

Uzbekistan's Economic Landscape: A Drive towards Dynamic Development in the Service Sector

Practical experience demonstrates that businesses exhibit accelerated and more efficient operations when characterized by low costs and high income. These attributes align predominantly with the service sector, encompassing domains such as transport, banking and finance, consumer services, construction, tourism, trade, and others.

Uzbekistan: Macroeconomic Stability Driving Development

Presently, Uzbekistan boasts one of the largest and steadily advancing economies in the Central Asian region, showcasing active growth in recent years. As of 2021, the GDP reached $397 billion, securing the 62nd position globally.

Uzbekistan: Advancements for the Well-being of its People

In the realm of domestic labor, the year 2023 marked a significant milestone as of April 30 when an updated labor code, emphasizing the equilibrium of interests among workers, employers, and the state, came into effect in the republic.