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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

News from Uzbekistan

Attention Japanese media and journalists!

The Embassy invite Japanese media representatives to participate in international events in Uzbekistan 

Ensuring the rights of convicts and prisoners in Uzbekistan: improving legislation and establishing public control

Moreover, according to Article 26 of our Basic Law, “The honour and dignity of a person are inviolable. Nothing can be grounds for belittling them. No one may be subjected to torture, violence, other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment...”

Uzbekistan establishes a unified, integrated transport communication system

The first Sunday of August has been designated as the Day of Railway Transport Workers of the Republic of Uzbekistan by a Presidential Decree beginning in 2017.

IFAS – Platform for Sustainable Development of Central Asia

The International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) is a unique interstate organization in Central Asia. In the year of its 30th anniversary, it is going through the process of reaching a higher practical level.


The article is in Uzbek

The President of Uzbekistan will be in Turkmenistan on a working visit

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, will pay a working visit to Ashgabat on August 4 of this year at the invitation of the Turkmen side.

System of National Accounts of Uzbekistan and International Standards

The complete and correct reflection of the socio-economic events taking place in our country in statistical indicators allows for an in-depth analysis of the results of large-scale reforms, an accurate assessment of the benefits provided and the effectiveness of the investments involved, and based on them, impartial decisions are made, effective plans and programs are developed. This situation shows how important it is to adapt national accounting indicators to international methodologies.



CERR Expert: Uzbekistan's economy is expected to maintain stability and a dynamic pace of development by the end of the year

The gross domestic product (GDP) of Uzbekistan increased by 5.6% in the first 6 months of this year