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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

News from Uzbekistan

Restructuring the Parliament of Uzbekistan is a necessity of the present era.

The recently updated Basic Law of Uzbekistan aims to establish a robust parliament, an efficient and accountable government, and a fair and impartial judicial system. The powers of the Legislative Chamber and Senate have been significantly enhanced, and overlapping responsibilities have been eliminated. Furthermore, the scope of authority of each chamber has been precisely defined.

Uzbekistan is enhancing its electoral laws

Uzbekistan faces the challenge of enhancing the role of political parties and encouraging political engagement among citizens. To address this issue, it has been proposed to adopt a mixed electoral system. This change will enable a more comprehensive representation of varying political interests and ensure a just distribution of power among different societal groups.

Uzbekistan has made an important contribution to restoring the traditions of the Great Silk Road.

The President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, will attend the 3rd International "One Belt, One Road" Forum in Beijing on October 17-18.

Current state and prospects for the development of Uzbek-Chinese relations of comprehensive strategic partnership

China is one of Uzbekistan's main strategic partners, and our cooperation contributes to modernizing the economy and improving the population's well-being. Uzbekistan's foreign policy prioritizes political interaction with China.

Public external debt of Uzbekistan: are concerns appropriate?

Until recently, in Uzbekistan we did not say anything about public debt or poverty. Since a wide path is now open to freedom of speech, we follow who says what, instead of thinking, analyzing, and comparing ourselves.

A unifying force

Thanks to the initiatives of the President of Uzbekistan, supported by neighbouring countries, the "Central Asian Five" are gaining independent status in world politics.

"Uzbekistan: united in pursuit of a shared objective"

The adoption of the Uzbekistan-2030 Strategy is a significant milestone in the country's history. On September 11, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev approved it by decree, and a resolution was also passed to ensure its timely and high-quality implementation by 2023.

Uzbekistan has recently established a mechanism to combat corruption effectively

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's democratic initiatives have paved the way for significant changes in all areas of Uzbekistan's society and state. These sweeping reforms have also resulted in the creation of numerous regulations aimed at governing new relationships across various fields.

Uzbekistan is making significant efforts to establish itself as a prominent IT hub in the region

Uzbekistan places great emphasis on digitalizing various sectors of the economy and establishing a digital government. Comprehensive programs have been adopted and are being effectively implemented to promote the latest technologies even in the most remote regions of the country. This includes strengthening human resources and fostering international cooperation in this area.