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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

News from Uzbekistan

Advancing Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Practices in Uzbekistan's Transition to a "Green" Economy

Uzbekistan holds substantial potential for renewable energy, with approximately 97% derived from solar sources. As a sunny country, Uzbekistan is strategically positioned to prioritize the development of solar photovoltaic stations (PVS) for energy generation. The current solar generation potential ranges from 525 to 760 billion kWh, owing to the nation's 320 sunny days per year, each averaging 3,000 hours of active sunshine. Envisioning a sustainable future, Uzbekistan plans to increase the share of "green" energy to 8,000 MW by 2026, leading to a reduction of 5 million tons in carbon dioxide emissions. Additionally, by 2030, the goal is to double energy efficiency and achieve a minimum of 25% renewable energy in the economy.

The main directions of Uzbekistan's state policy in the context of improving the country's position in international rankings and indices

Uzbekistan, located in the heart of Central Asia, has historically served as a melting pot of cultures and civilizations, owing to its crucial role in the Silk Road. Its diverse history reflects a fusion of empires, nomadic influences, and varied cultures that have shaped the region over millennia. However, despite its strategic location and potential, Uzbekistan has often lingered on the periphery of global discussions, failing to fully realize its international potential. Nevertheless, a transformative shift has become evident recently.

Prioritizing the Modernization of Public Administration in Uzbekistan's Constitutional Reform

Prioritizing the Modernization of Public Administration in Uzbekistan's Constitutional Reform

Mechanisms for deepening trade, economic, and investment interaction between the SCO countries and the EAEU the example of Uzbekistan

Today, in the context of accelerated globalization processes, humanity strives to create a world that will develop based on harmony, mutual trust, and respect for different cultures. Trust is one of the most important factors in establishing mutual understanding in bilateral and multilateral relations.

Reforming Law Enforcement in Uzbekistan: Prioritizing the Protection of Human Interests

To enhance the effectiveness of judicial, law enforcement, and regulatory entities in upholding the rule of law and reinforcing legal governance within society, a Comprehensive Measures Program focusing on priority areas of the development of the judicial and legal system was sanctioned in 2016. The tenets of this program directly pertain to law enforcement agencies.

Uzbekistan Embarks on a New Path Towards Establishing a Social Welfare State

Last year, following extensive public discourse, the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 was embraced as the primary programmatic document for the upcoming years. The primary focus is on constructing a state that elevates the honor and dignity of individuals, fosters the growth of a free civil society, ensures comprehensive and targeted social assistance for the population, and enhances public participation in the decision-making process. Consequently, the relationship between society and government has entered a new phase of development.

Uzbekistan: enhancing the capacity of citizens and business entities to achieve justice

The right of everyone to a fair trial is a fundamental right and an important criterion established by the international community.

Tashkent summit OES: a new basis for the production of public goods for the solution of actual problems for the regional region

ECO Tashkent Summit: a new basis for developing common approaches to addressing issues of relevance to the vast region

Uzbekistan's President Receives Top Honor from Turkic States Organization

During the Council of Heads of State meeting of the Organization of Turkic States, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of the Republic of Uzbekistan was honored with the prestigious "Highest Order of the Turkic World." This recognition commends his significant contributions to fortifying the unity of Turkic peoples and vigorously advancing the interests and perspectives of Turkic nations on the global stage.