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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

News from Uzbekistan

Human Rights in Uzbekistan's Revised Constitution

Numerous pivotal dates in the history of humanity deserve recognition, with one of the most crucial being linked to the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948, by the UN General Assembly. Although the declaration is not a legally binding document, its foundational principles, rights, and freedoms acknowledged as the inherent rights of every individual, find reflection in the national legislation of countries that have ratified this international document.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's Address at the 16th Economic Cooperation Organization Summit

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's Address at the 16th Economic COS.

Uzbekistan-Italy: historical dialogue filled with new content

Italian President Sergio Mattarella will pay an official visit to Uzbekistan on 9-11 November at the invitation of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

ECO Secretary General Khusrav Noziri: Uzbekistan's active position in the organization is part of the country's impressive development efforts in recent years

On the eve of the summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) held in Tashkent on November 8-9, the correspondent of the «Dunyo» IA talked with the Secretary General of the organization Khusrav Noziri about the priorities of the association, the development of cooperation within its framework and the role of Uzbekistan in this process.


Uzbekistan: A Nation Embracing Secular Principles

The national referendum on the updated Constitution held on April 30 demonstrated our country's steadfast commitment to the ideals of democracy, freedom, equality, social justice, and solidarity. These universally acknowledged democratic values are explicitly outlined in Article 1 of the revised Constitution.

Uzbekistan's Path to Sustainable Economic Growth: Embracing the Principles of a 'Green' Economy

It is increasingly evident that the modern world is profoundly interconnected, implying that any action, particularly those related to nature, will inevitably have repercussions across the globe. The aggravation of global issues has underscored the imperative need for the international development and adoption of guidelines and goals to facilitate the transition to sustainable development.

Exploring Human Rights in Uzbekistan: Unraveling History, Theory, and Practice

The foundation of the concept of human rights is rooted in core values such as human dignity and equality. Human rights can be viewed as fundamental norms essential for the attainment of self-esteem. Their universality is derived from their applicability to all individuals, transcending differences among people.

Enhancing the Constitutional Framework for National Human Rights Institutions in Uzbekistan

The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights outlines the fundamental principles of human rights.

Guided by these principles, Uzbekistan, in its process of renewal as a sovereign state, is steadfastly advancing to safeguard the rights and freedoms of its citizens, construct a robust national statehood, and uphold the principles of the rule of law. This commitment extends to protecting the sanctity of life, freedom, honor, and dignity of individuals, along with other inviolable rights.

Unveiling Uzbekistan's Fight Against the Shadow Economy

The development strategy of the New Uzbekistan, crafted and articulated by our country's President, envisions the establishment of a forward-thinking economic landscape and the construction of a society characterized by freedom and prosperity through new economic relations. At the heart of all economic transformations and innovations lies the objective of fostering equal conditions for realizing entrepreneurial initiatives among the populace. The goal is to build a system that facilitates the enhancement of people's well-being and ensures sustainable development.