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Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Japan

News from Uzbekistan

In 2024 in Uzbekistan, more than 50% of State budget expenditures will be allocated to social policy

Social protection is the most important component of state policy

Uzbekistan consolidates the efforts of government organizations and civil society in the fight against corruption

Currently, the cost of corruption in the world is about three trillion dollars. As President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted in his speech at the ceremony of presenting the high International Anti-Corruption Award, “... this large figure does not fully reflect the true state of affairs and the real extent of the damage. The worst thing is that it is impossible to measure the scale of moral damage caused to society.”

210 industrial and entrepreneurial youth zones have been created in Uzbekistan

​Youth have always played an important role in the formation and development of civil society. Therefore, our country pays special attention to comprehensive support and stimulation of its active participation in the socio-economic development of the state. Thus, declaring 2024 the Year of Support for Youth and Business indicates recognition of the importance of the younger generation in domestic political processes.

The Miraki Tourist Center is waiting for its investors!

Tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries in Uzbekistan. In recent years, the industry has been radically reformed, bans and restrictions have been lifted, several permit requirements have been canceled, and preferential financing and tax incentives have been introduced. Thanks to these measures, private investments have become widely involved in the tourism sector – hotels are being built everywhere, guest houses are opening, and no one is surprised by the halls of cafes and restaurants full of tourists.

The Groundwork of Economic Reforms in 2024

The dynamic growth of Uzbekistan's population requires high economic growth rates to properly meet the growing needs and raise the population's standard of living. But this requires new, more balanced, and proven approaches that ensure the timely achievement of the set goals.

The economy of Uzbekistan is in numbers. How is the industry developing?

The priorities of our economy are reflected in the "Uzbekistan - 2030" strategy. Based on this, the results of the work done last year are clearly visible in the main macroeconomic indicators.

Uzbekistan relies on energetic and creative

In 2023, he will be recognized as a graduate student in various fields: informatics, mathematics, chemistry, chess, and others. Vse chashche podrastasyushchee pokolenie stavit v priority obrazovanie i samorazvitie, dobibaetsya uspekhov na mejdunarodnom urovne.

In Uzbekistan, the status of a pedagogue is a criterion of the authority of the society and the state

The task of raising the status of pedagogues is specifically mentioned in the new version of the Constitution, which is a solid legal foundation of the reforms of the new Uzbekistan, and in the "Uzbekistan - 2030" strategy, approved by the relevant decree of the head of our state. The fact that this issue is not just an expression of beautiful wishes decorated on paper, but a firm life goal is becoming more and more evident day by day during consistent reforms. The law "On the status of pedagogues" signed yesterday by our President can be called a historical confirmation of our opinion. This law, consisting of 21 articles, defines the rights, obligations, and basic guarantees of the activities of about 700 thousand pedagogues in our country.

Investments in human capital: priorities of the Strategy “Uzbekistan - 2030”

In the modern world, where science, technology, and innovation play a key role in the development of countries, the importance of human capital is becoming increasingly obvious.

A statement of advice encouraging young people to be patriotic, acquire knowledge thoroughly, and strive for perfection in their profession

February 9 is the birthday of the poet, thinker and statesman of Uzbek and other Turkic nations Alisher Navoi