


Development of parliamentarism in Uzbekistan: results of the first term of office of the President of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirziyoyev

Four years ago, the Action Strategy in the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 (the Action Strategy) was adopted. Today there is no doubt about its constructability, as evidenced by the results of the reforms successfully carried out under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Youth Policy of Uzbekistan in Global Stage

Out of almost 8 billion people living on planet Earth, more than quarter are young which is at nearly 2 billion hitting the highest number of youth in the history. It is worth noting that close to 90% of all youth live in the developing world.


After Shavkat Mirziyoyev became the head of state in Uzbekistan, during a new stage of development, he began to pay special attention to the development of a strong civil society. The process of radical reforms carried out in the country has embraced all spheres of the social and political life of society.

Does election to the Human Rights Council reflect real reforms in Uzbekistan

In recent years, Uzbekistan has achieved significant results in the field of human rights protection. Today, the country has formed its own model of systematic and phased implementation of international human rights standards into national legislation and law enforcement practice.



The IV International Festival of Children and Youth Creativity

The Organizing Committee of the International Festival "Rose of the East" is inviting participants to the IV International Festival of Children and Youth Creativity (songs, dances), which will be held on May 12-17, 2021 in Tashkent.

Friendly Cooperation with Central Asian States – A Priority Direction of Uzbekistan’s Foreign Policy

The reforms, openness, transparency, renewal, and changes observed in the domestic policy of Uzbekistan in recent years are also evident in the country’s foreign policy. Uzbekistan, as an equal actor in international relations, pursues an active foreign policy at the regional and global levels by developing mutually beneficial relations with foreign partners. This consistent and constructive foreign policy is also recognized by international experts and observers. Even in these times of global pandemic, Uzbekistan has paid special attention to ensuring socio-economic stability and maintaining cooperation with the countries of the region and the international community.

Coordinated policy: Mobilizing civil capacities for development

The reforms initiated in Uzbekistan in the second half of 2016 have placed mobilization of the civil society potential for development on the agenda as one of the pressing issues and a pillar of any large-scale reform programmes. There is no doubt that without the full support and engagement of citizens in the reforms, it is impossible to speak of a fundamental transformation of the entire system of the functioning of the state.

Political and social integration: “Paliture of political powers in parliament: Where do borders cross?”

The world experience of nation-building and social development shows that the democratization of society can be achieved only through the effective participation of the masses in the exercise of power through various representative bodies. Thus, parliamentarism is a rapidly developing socio-political phenomenon that is characterized as a unique progressive and democratic system of governance in society.

The System of political parties: “Do current parties represent social groups in society?”

A multiparty system has been established in the Republic of Uzbekistan, and is being developed in accordance with modern requirements, as a result of large-scale political, socio-economical and legal reforms that were gradually carried out in the process of independent statehood of nearly thirty years.