


Torture as a crime against humanity. The new Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan is aimed at improving the system of preventive mechanisms to prevent the use of torture

The article Torture as a crime against humanity. The new Resolution of the President of Uzbekistan is aimed at improving the system of preventive mechanisms to prevent the use of torture” by Akmal Saidov, the First Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, Deputy Chairman of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan was published in the issue of the parliamentary newspaper “Pravda Vostoka” for July 7, 2021.




The famous French writer and philosopher, Nobel Prize laureate Albert Camu, who was called " Western Conscience" during his lifetime, said: “Free press is divided into good or bad. Press without freedom is bad".



President awards youth

A group of active and progressive youth, who with their success in their profession and social life, the creative and intellectual potential is an example for their peers, makes a worthy contribution to the prosperity of the country and increasing its international prestige, was awarded orders and medals by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 29.





Uzbekistan's Strategy for Building Greater Transregional Connectivity

With the election of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Uzbekistan has embarked on an open, proactive, pragmatic and constructive foreign policy aimed at creating a space of mutually beneficial cooperation, stability and sustainable development in Central Asia, - noted expert. - The new approaches of official Tashkent have found comprehensive support in all capitals of Central Asia, which has become the basis for positive changes in the region.

