


Nikkei Aziaの電子版にウズベキスタンの伝統工芸である絨毯に関する記事が掲載されました。

Nikkei Aziaの電子版にウズベキスタンの伝統工芸である絨毯に関する記事が掲載されました。

Attention compatriots

Great news for those who work in educational or scientific-research institutions, international organizations in foreign countries, make a worthy contribution to science, or create in various directions of fiction!

News for citizens from the Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice has made some notarial activities online to support compatriots abroad in the notary field, to create comfortable conditions and relief.





Investments in human capital: priorities of the Strategy “Uzbekistan - 2030”

In the modern world, where science, technology, and innovation play a key role in the development of countries, the importance of human capital is becoming increasingly obvious.

Innovation is an important step towards the development of agriculture in Uzbekistan

All areas are developing and improving based on new technologies, scientific and technical achievements, and innovations - actions related to making money, increasing the level of well-being of the people, saving time, reducing costs, and popularization products. The implementation of innovations in agriculture is especially relevant, as it is aimed at increasing the income received from each square meter of land and reducing the cost of grown products.